This Afghan clearly has not yet completed the integration course otherwise he would have known that in this country if we want to get rid of our wife we will apply for a divorce instead of burning her.

Testimony 24 in murder case pregnant woman strangled and burned in Haarlem Local resident Now just say that this Afghan had a new girlfriend and therefore had to make his pregnant wife disappear and the story is complete. This Afghan clearly has not yet completed the integration course otherwise he would have known that in […]

You’re right… A double murder and watching in the street at your own house burning down… this man is not confused but suffers from madness and the practices found ‘normal’ in Afghanistan.

Testimony 23 in murder case pregnant woman strangled and burned in Haarlem Citizen You’re right… A double murder and watching in the street at your own house burning down… this man is not confused but suffers from madness and the practices found ‘normal’ in Afghanistan. Latest posts Fatal stabbing in Germany: perpetrator must serve five-year […]

Girlfriends of hers are standing on a field near the flat looking defeated. They have been trying to reach her for hours, but she doesn’t answer her phone.

Testimony 20 in murder case pregnant woman strangled and burned in Haarlem Friend Girlfriends of hers are standing on a field near the flat looking defeated. They have been trying to reach her for hours, but she doesn’t answer her phone. Latest posts Fatal stabbing in Germany: perpetrator must serve five-year prison sentence Woman stabbed […]

My parents are allowed in, but they are very anxious,” said a concerned daughter.

Testimony 18 in murder case pregnant woman strangled and burned in Haarlem Local resident My parents are allowed in, but they are very anxious,” said a concerned daughter. “My son didn’t want to go home tonight, he was terrified. I haven’t slept all night,” says a worried mother. Latest posts Fatal stabbing in Germany: perpetrator […]