Honour killing story: Sengül Obinger (1997)

…D., her husband (26 years old) Sengül was born in Nuremberg. Even before she turned 18, her parents sought a husband for her in Turkey. Rasit, a distant relative, comes…

Honour killing story: Olga (2019)

…Olga, but saves her from the flames. The victim lies in an artificial coma for 1 month and has to stay in hospital for another month. For weeks Jawed visits…

Honour killing story: Georgius K. (2007)

…in Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Iran, Serbia and Turkey. Sources: 17-11-2008 German article www.abendzeitung-muenchen.de: Honor killing: only one of the two killers in court! 28-07-2008 German article www.abendzeitung-muenchen.de: Honour…

Honour killing story: Nicole B. (2009)

…India, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Iran, Serbia and Turkey. Sources: 01-10-2009 German article www.welt.de: Parking garage killer confesses his crime to psychiatrist 16-11-2009 German article www.taz.de: Too little evidence for murder…

Honour killing story: Homa Z. and her daughter (2020)

…his wife and daughter 14-09-2020 www.bz-berlin.de: Neighbor and her daughter (9) brutally murdered? Ali H. denies everything Latest posts Fatal stabbing in Germany: perpetrator must serve five-year prison sentence Woman…

Honour killing story: Dilek T. (2011)

…life imprisonment for murder. Source: 18-01-2012 German article www.welt.de: “He should die a little bit every day behind bars” 09-02-2012 German article www.tagesspiegel.de: “Girlfriend stabbed to death – allegedly from…

Honour killing story: Ivana Hranova (2019)

Honour killing story Ivana Hranova born: 1979 Murder: July 4, 2019 Location: Remshalden / Weinstadt (near Stuttgart) Provenance: victim: Slovakia; perpetrator: unclear Children: unclear Perpetrator: her ex-boyfriend Kevin Kräge (30…