Honour killing story: Mira

…19 y.) If it weren’t so sad, you’d have to laugh: On 19 December 2017, a 19-year-old Afghan tries to drown his ex-girlfriend in the Havel river. He pushes her…

Honour killing story: Sala-Edine R.

…rival Muhamet S. (at act 17 y.) Sala is a German-Moroccan, goes to school and works as a beach attendant at the Kinzig reservoir. He used to be with 17-year-old…

Honour killing story: Diana P. (2012)

…in blood. The baby is sent to a foster home. The motive, they say, is that the two were engaged to be married. But the wife wanted to break up…

Honour killing story: Ara

…neighbours call the police. The perpetrator is arrested. The children come to the children and youth emergency service. One can assume that the relationship was already violent. Ara probably wanted…