Honour killing story: Cevide Secen (2010)

…problem in Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Iran, Serbia and Turkey. Sources: 09-06-2011 www.frankenpost.de: Greed for power as motive for murder 17-05-2011 www.frankenpost.de: Murder case: suspect silent about charges 01-06-2011…

Honour killing story: Nusreta K. (2010)

…serious problem in Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Iran, Serbia and Turkey. Sources: 08-03-2010 www.abendzeitung-muenchen.de: Murder in Hasenbergl: An almost perfect alibi 21-12-2010 German article www.abendzeitung-muenchen.de: Woman shot with MP:…

Honour killing story: Gülsüm Semin (2009)

…“honor killing” Gülsüm 06-11-2009 German article www.derwesten.de: Perpetrators likely struck Gülsüm’s face with branches 17-05-2010 German article www.sueddeutsche.de: Brother confesses to murder 29-12-2009 German article www.bild.de: Harsh punishments for Gülsüm’s…

Honour killing story: Maria Ladenburger

Honour killing story Maria Ladenburger born: 1996 murdered: 16 October 2016 Residence: Freiburg Origin: Victim: Germany, Perpetrator: Afghanistan Children: none Perpetrator: Hussein K. (17 years) Hussein comes to Germany in…