Honour killing story
Maria Ladenburger
born: 1996
murdered: 16 October 2016
Residence: Freiburg
Origin: Victim: Germany, Perpetrator: Afghanistan
Children: none
Perpetrator: Hussein K. (17 years)
born: 1996
murdered: 16 October 2016
Residence: Freiburg
Origin: Victim: Germany, Perpetrator: Afghanistan
Children: none
Perpetrator: Hussein K. (17 years)
Hussein comes to Germany in 2015 as an unaccompanied young man from Afghanistan and lives in a foster family in Freiburg. Maria studies medicine in Freiburg and is involved in helping refugees.
On October 15, 2016, she goes to a student party, where she leaves after midnight. On her way home she is raped and murdered. The next day her body is found in the river. The cause of death is drowning.
A hair and DNA are found at the scene of the crime. At the beginning of December Hussein is arrested.
In the first instance, the media does not report on the arrest. There is debate as to whether the reason for this is that the perpetrator is a refugee from Afghanistan.
It is quite possible that Hussein is older and has hidden his true age when entering the country. This would give him better treatment as a refugee (in foster care instead of a gym) and he would be subject to juvenile justice. It later turns out that Hussein had already attacked and seriously injured a woman in Greece in 2013. Even then, he declared that he was 17 years old. For this he was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment.
After 1.5 years he was released because of an amnesty of the Tsipras government. Together with him, anarchist and left-wing terrorists were released from prison. Hussein had to report to the authorities once a month, which he did not do. Instead he went underground and arrived in Germany. There was no international arrest warrant issued by Greece.
In February 2017, an expert report established that the offender was at least 22 years old at the time of the commission of the offence, i.e. that he can no longer be convicted on the basis of juvenile criminal law.
This is exactly what happens: in March, the indictment is filed - under juvenile justice. Therefore, the trial will be opened in September 2017 before the youth court of Freiburg.
In court, it's more like Mary was a random victim. According to this information, the murder had no honorary motive, but served to cover up a rape. As this is one of the most read articles in this archive, we'll leave it at that for the time being. This case shows very well how much the failure of the authorities and the well-intentioned "refugee helpers" encourage such actions. It has also been pointed out that Hussein is not a refugee. At best, he is fleeing from the Greek legal system.
In the course of the trial, Hussein's father is called in Iran. He mentions 1984 as his year of birth. According to this information Hussein would have been older than 30 years when he entered Iran. However, his age was not questioned.
Further details come to light: not only did the youth office base itself on Hussein's own age statement, which entails a large number of additional social benefits. The Youth Care Agency pays an institution 5000 euros, of which 2800 euros to the foster parents (it is unclear for which period). However, this institution called "Wiese" (Waldorf School) is not allowed. Also the foster parents are not examined. They don't do any educational work either, but give Hussein only 400 euros of pocket money per month. With the "foster parents" Hussein lives together with another refugee in a 70 square meter grandmother's apartment. So this case is also multiple social fraud, but it is not brought to justice.
In March 2018, Hussein will be sentenced to life imprisonment for murder and particularly serious rape under adult criminal law. The special seriousness of the guilt is determined, after which preventive detention is ordered. The defence appeals. In April, Hussein withdraws the appeal and the verdict becomes final.
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