Honour killing stories 2011

Martina Kreutzer
born: 1987
stabbed: 24 January 2011
Residence: Krefeld
Origin: Victim: Germany; Perpetrator: Turkey
Children: 2 (18 months, 3 years)
Offender: her partner Sinan Emre (21 years old, born in Germany)

Round 2006 Martina and Sinan (who were born in Krefeld and have Turkish parents) get to know each other at school. They have two children together. There is a lot of quarrel, probably also physical abuse.

read Martina's story
Yasemin Tomak Iybar
born: 1979
Assassinated: 29 January 2011
Residence: Lünen (NRW)
Origin: Turkey
Children: unclear
Perpetrators: her brother-in-law and ex-boyfriend Adem I. (34 years old) and Salia, the wife of her new lover

Yasemin is a gardener and has been married before. To get a residence permit in Germany, she married the brother of her boyfriend Adem in 2005. Adem takes advantage of her. In 2010 she distances herself from him.

read Yasemin's story
Fathia el Q.
born: 1969
stabbed to death: 18 February 2011
Residence: Düsseldorf
Origin: Morocco
Children: 1 daughter, 1 son (both adults)
Perpetrator: her ex-husband Hassan M. (42 years)

Fathia marries a man and has a son with him. When the man dies, she marries a Moroccan in Spain and has a daughter with him. In 2008 she reports him for assault, in 2009 she gets a divorce. The son lives in Morocco.

read Fathia's story
Sebahat K.
born: 1973
Killed/stabbed: 12 February 2011
Last residence: Rosenheim
Origin: Turkey
Children: 2 (8 and 17 years)
Perpetrator: her ex-husband Tamer (42 years)

In June 2010, Sebahat and Tamer will separate. They have two underage children. Tamer works in a snack bar. After the divorce he threatens his ex-wife and beats her up several times. In March 2011 he is convicted of assault.

read Sebahat's story
Zorica H.
born: 1990
stabbed: 20/21 February 2011
Residence: Taufkirchen/Opper Bavaria
Provenance: Victim: Bosnia; Perpetrator: Turkey
Children: she was a child herself
Perpetrator: Harun A. (18 years old, born in Germany)

Zorica works in discotheques and supermarkets and gets pregnant by a career counselor and former salesman from Erding, called Harun. He has a German passport and Turkish roots. There is probably no or only a short relationship.

read Zorica's story
born: 1967
stabbed to death: 21 February 2011
Residence: Heilbronn
Origin: Kosovo
Children: 3 (12, 16, 18 years)
Perpetrator: her divorced husband (47 years, already 17 years in Germany)

There is very little to be found about this case: Around the middle of the nineties Susa and her husband from Kosovo come to Germany. Since December 2010 they live separately in Heilbronn. They have the German nationality and three children together.

read Susa's story
Rola El-Halabi
born: 1985
Shot: April 1, 2011
Residence: Ulm
Origin: Lebanon
Children: none
Perpetrator: her stepfather Hicham/Roy El-Halabi (44 years)

Rola was born in Lebanon, grew up in Germany and graduated from high school here. She has a German passport and has been boxing since she was 9 years old. Her stepfather Hicham (named Roy, a Kuwait born goldsmith with a German passport) is her manager.

read Rola's story
born: 1983
Attempted murder: 12 March 2011
Residence: Münster
Provenance: Victim: Zimbabwe; Perpetrator: Liberia
Children: 1 son (4 years)
Perpetrator: her ex-boyfriend Emmanuel B. (45 years)

Anna and Emmanuel work at the Raphaelsklinik in Münster, he as kitchen helper, she as cleaner. They have a son together, but are divorced. On March 12, 2011, Emmanuel goes to the clinic, pulls out an axe under his coat and goes after his ex-girlfriend.

read Anna's story
Kamila G.
born: 1979
Attempted murder: 2 April 2011
Residence: Bottrop
Origin: Macedonia
Children: 3
Perpetrator: her ex-boyfriend Agim W. (33 years)

Kamila and Agim live in Ahaus, West Münsterland and have three children from their ten-year relationship. The reason why the two are not married is probably because Agim is already married to another woman.

read Kamila's story
born: 1960
Attempted murder: 7 April 2011
Residence: Fürth
Origin: Serbia
Children: 4
Perpetrator: her ex-husband Djura A. (53 years)

Round 1979 Anka and Djura get married in Serbia. They have four children together. The family lives in Germany and Serbia, how exactly, is unclear. The marriage is violent. In 1994 Anka divorces him. Meanwhile, she seeks protection in a women's shelter.

read Anka's story
born: 1970
almost stabbed to death: 24 April 2011
Residence: Bergheim near Cologne
Origin: Turkey
Children: none
Perpetrator: her husband Saban Y. (43 years)

Saban and Özgul have been married for more than 20 years but have no children. In April 2011 Saban hits his wife so hard that she lies in hospital for four days. After that she doesn't want to go back to her husband, but moves in with her brother and his wife.

read Özgul's story
born: 1947
stabbed to death: 22 May 2011
Residence: Duisburg-Rheinhausen
Origin: Turkey
Children: 3 adults
Perpetrator: her husband (71 years)

Aynur is probably about 11 years old when she is married in Anatolia to an orphan boy from the neighborhood (but maybe there is something wrong with the age statement). After interludes in France and the Netherlands the couple came to Germany in 1969.

read Aynur's story
Dilek T.
born: 1983
stabbed: 31 May 2011
Residence: Berlin
Origin: Turkey
Children: 2 sons
Perpetrator: her boyfriend/ex-boyfriend Kadir B. (38 years)

Dilek grew up in Braunschweig and has a Turkish passport. She married when she was 17, got pregnant, divorced and moved to Berlin. Here she has her second son. Dilek works as a cleaning lady in a supermarket and with the help of the employment agency she gets her high school diploma (or is planning to do so).

read Dilek's story
Ibrahim J.
born: 1979
stabbed: 12 June 2011
Location: Gladbeck
Crime scene: Bottrop
Origin: Lebanon / Kurds
Children: unclear, possible 3 + 1 unborn child
Offenders: Bilal (24 years old at the time of the crime), his brother Chalid (28) and a cousin Haysam S. (28), all from Lebanon with German passports

Ibrahim's sister Jehan is in her early 20s, speaks good German and lives with her parents in Gladbeck. In May 2007 she married Chalid, who is four years older. The marriage only takes place according to the islamic rite.

read Ibrahim's story
born: 1960
murdered: 1 July 2011
Residence: Andernach (Rhineland-Palatinate)
Origin: Victim: Germany; Perpetrator: Turkey
Children: 2 daughters (26 and 27 years)
Perpetrator: her husband Serdar G. (32 years)

Not only the large age difference is unusual in this case: the Turkish man is almost 20 years younger than his German wife. This does not necessarily mean anything, but it suggests that the marriage was intended to obtain a residence permit for the Turkish citizen.

read Barbara's story
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