Honour killing story

Kamila G.
born: 1979
Attempted murder: 2 April 2011
Residence: Bottrop
Origin: Macedonia
Children: 3
Perpetrator: her ex-boyfriend Agim W. (33 years)
Kamila and Agim live in Ahaus, West Münsterland and have three children from their ten-year relationship. The reason why the two are not married is probably because Agim is already married to another woman. Kamila is probably his second wife for the time being. Because the relationship is violent (including death threats if she left him), Kamila moves to a women's shelter in December 2010 and eventually to an apartment in Bottrop. The family council meets. Reportedly, he is trying to calm the situation down. But the opposite may also be the case. In any case, Agim does not want to accept the divorce.

On April 2, 2011 Kamila will go shopping with her brother Afrim (35 years). In front of the supermarket her ex-boyfriend is waiting for them.He deliberately hits them with his car. When they are on the ground, he shoots Kamila in the neck and her brother in the face.When they are lying on the ground, he shoots Kamila in the neck and her brother in the face. Both have to undergo emergency surgery for a few hours, but barely survive. Kamila gets a plate in her neck.

An hour after the crime, Agim is arrested in the Centro Oberhausen. In September 2011, the trial starts at the Essen District Court. The perpetrator presents himself in court as a cultivated man who speaks German with almost no accent and has worked his whole life as a carpenter and machine operator. He does not undergo a psychiatric examination, but is judged by the expert to be fully culpable.

In October 2011 Agim is sentenced to 12 years imprisonment for attempted manslaughter. The sentence speaks of an act of execution.

The subsidiary claim is appealed, which is allowed. In February 2013, the sentence for two attempted murders will be increased to life imprisonment. The fact that both victims survived the assassination attempt is pure luck and should not be considered as a reason for easing the sentence.

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