Honour killing story

Martina Kreutzer
born: 1987
stabbed: 24 January 2011
Residence: Krefeld
Origin: Victim: Germany; Perpetrator: Turkey
Children: 2 (18 months, 3 years)
Offender: her partner Sinan Emre (21 years old, born in Germany)
Round 2006 Martina and Sinan (who were born in Krefeld and have Turkish parents) get to know each other at school. They have two children together. There is a lot of quarrel, probably also physical abuse. That is why Martina decides in early 2011 to put her partner outside the door of her home.

On January 21 she goes to her mother for coffee. Then she comes back to see if Sinan has kept his appointment and has moved. But he is still there. The two start arguing. When Sinan's mother's partner calls to see if everything is okay, she asks him to come immediately. Then the connection is broken.

Sinan stabbed Martina 20 times with a butcher's knife. She drags herself into the stairwell and falls. There she is found by her mother's boyfriend. Shortly after, she dies in the hospital. The perpetrator is caught in front of his parents' house.

After the first denials he confesses the crime and indicates that he has drug problems. Among other things, he has a criminal record for a robbery. The fact that he makes no effort to find a regular job would also have been the reason for the quarrel.

The children of Martina and Sinan are brought to their grandparents.

In July 2011 Sinan was sentenced to 7 years imprisonment. The reason given is his very low intelligence.

Posted in Honour killing, Innovation, Investigation, Turkey, Whistleblower and tagged , , , .