Testimonies in the murder case Narges Achikzei

The victim didn’t get her salary paid for three months I heard and she dragged her boss to the court for making her do un-paid work. The family I was talking about also said her boss has threatened her to with-draw her case because that wouldn’t be good for his business’ reputation. So the Police isn’t sure yet and investigations are going on. The girl was engaged for five years and if her family would have been against her then it wouldn’t have taken them five bloody years to kill her you idiot! Read more
The Afghan Woman Burned alive had some problems with her Boss.. and they had 15 December mahkama..people think maybe he has done it. Read more
you didn’t get my point. this is not the first time afhan man kill his wife, sister, mother, etc… I have seen several stories like this in the past one year, most muslim men/women get lost once they end up in the west countries… they forget what their religion teaches them, from what culture they came from, how to behave,etc. Read more
Its time for women to take the straight path, and this would never happen to them… I am sure there was something behind this story.. Read more
oh i thought only our uneducated Afghans did that in Afghanistan.. amazing they do it in Kharij too… sad for both guy and girl Read more
If she really was burned by her family than you would have heard about her. They are almost sure that her Dutch boss killed her. I can’t believe how cold some of you are. Blaming her for what happend? Hata age fahsa mibood ejaze nedishtan oor boossoo. Read more
All this effort to perhaps dismiss a non-honor killing, which by the way is exactly committed as an honor killing, as you can tell: 'You are all wrong. honor killings of muslims and other foreigners do not exist'. embarrassment/facial loss is greater than grief. we do not understand that because we are from an inferior culture. Read more
As far as I am concerned: I have far too little information (I have not read the interview above) so I will abstain from passing judgment. Just: a woman has been set on fire in Zeist. That's it. That girl says that it is no honor killing. I can imagine that, as a family member, she has a better prospect of an honor killing than we Dutch people do, you don't think? Read more
An Afghan woman of 23 from Zeist who is about to get married. It is not that imaginative to suggest an honor killing as an option, is it? Recognition of the problem, identification of possible new cases and appropriate solutions (taking away Afghans' passports/residence permits and placing them back in the sandpit where they apparently feel more culturally at home) seem to me to be very real suggestions. Read more
It has been enjoyment again with the cultural enrichment that we all have to embrace with love in order not to be put aside as xenophobic. Read more
These people are barbaric. I say: fusion bomb on it ..... Problem solved Read more
Yes, that also seems to me to be an honor killing. Read more
Pff, another woman has put her on fire! It is getting sicker and sicker. Sad story by the way. Beautiful and friendly looking young girl... Read more
Well, honor killings... now you have a problem. Read more
I personally consider a crime passionel to be something completely different from an honor killing. the name says it all. the first is done individually, by someone who cannot bear it. the second is done in cooperation with several people, in order to save the honor of the family... so the one out of love, the other out of vengeance. both are not to be excused and horrible. but I find it just a bit worse when an entire family agrees to take vengeance and nobody tries to stop it. Read more
So yes, that backward culture is becoming more and more common here. Surely, in that culture one always points to others Read more
Is culture! Religion of peace. Only in the Netherlands! The left ones have eye blinders on and will never dare to intervene So, these extremely fun and original comments have been made once again. If they were not made already. Read more
In India, the reason for this type of murder is usually that the dowry was too low or not fully paid. Read more

In Afghan culture they do not have a blood by marriage tradition. Probably the Afghan woman just cheated, like 60% of the Dutch. Her future husband probably could not appreciate it. Obvious case of a crime passionel.Read more


What a terrible way to die. And the reason for this is completely stupid. I just couldn't believe that something like that could happen in the Netherlands. But yes. It is thought that the reason can be found in the relationship context. But it can also be an honor killing. But whatever the reason, I would say it is barbaric. Read more


It's culture, incident, small group made the rest of it look bad, you know it well. Read more


How terrible that must have been for him when his brand-new wife did not bleed after the deed. A loss of face. It was logical that he wanted to teach her a lesson. But well, whether this was the reason, we can now only guess. It is plausible, but it will never be made public. After all, the perpetrator must, of course, be protected. Read more


What is the point of a stupid culture if the 'honour' of the family outweighs the life of a fellow human being? And we still take in these kinds of madmen in abundance. Everyone who lives where there is nastiness is allowed in, whether they are as crazy and dangerous as the warriors in their homeland or not. Over the past 30 years, we have really been transforming this country into a third-world developing country. Puke. Read more


Honor killings are, of course, approved by the left-wing church. The perpetrator therefore goes unpunished. Of course, this is not something that is being tackled very seriously. Read more


Really too sick for words. Can only be found in certain cultures of the Netherlands. This tends to be an honor killing. May sit in a madhouse for a long time. Or the electric chair. Barbaric behavior is in most people, yet there are people who come from a gene pool where barbaric behavior is significantly better under control. Education, and therefore culture, can also contribute a great deal to suppressing this kind of behaviour. If you are taught that loss is also part of life and that it is not a bad thing that you sometimes look like an asshole, you are already pretty much more resistant to life. It is different in certain cultures where certain behaviour stains the whole family with a 'shame', in many Eastern cultures the behaviour of the female family members in particular is a reason for committing horrible crimes, whereas in most Western cultures this type of behaviour at most leads to quarrels and broken relationships. In the east it often leads to horrific mutilation, torture and murder. It is therefore something that is culturally determined, in fact Western civilization is elevated far above many other cultures in this field. Read more


A number of problems are ethnically defined but are not related to economic motives: honour killings and marriages, for example. These are backward culture-bound habits. However bad a Dutch person is financially, he will not force his daughter to marry a cousin by force. Or to burn his niece because she wants to marry a boy who has just followed another school of faith. Read more


If they had suspected that former boss, the police would have gone deeper into that misery. Furthermore, setting fire to someone else is not something that first comes to mind for a Dutch person and more an act that suits a foreigner (not meant to be offensive). The same applies to throat cutting, which is also more common in Islamic countries than in the Netherlands, if only because animals have to be slaughtered in this way. On the other hand, one might wonder whether setting fire to her should have led to mutilation and not to murder. This in turn e.g. to prevent the wedding (man doesn't want to marry a mutilated girlfriend or rejects her to marry another woman). The fact that the act was committed by a woman also made me think of a problem in the private domain rather than that I believe that there are female assassins active in the Netherlands. Read more


This barbecue is typical of what is always said in Muslim countries when a woman is set on fire. They always say: it was an accident in the kitchen. The police will then know what is the matter and will not investigate further. Read more


What I liked was that the police do not think of honour killing, but they do not rule it out either. In the forum it was always stated that the police thought of an honour kiling. Quite a nice looking woman, by the way, that Nergez. Read more


However, I do not believe that this was an act of strangers. It happens in her house. I do not think, therefore, that this is an arbitrary victim. And then to say: it will have been her time.........You don't say that in case of a murder. In the event of an accident, or death due to illness, I can imagine something else with the saying: It will have been her turn, God has called her. But not in case of murder. Read more


It resembles the mafia that eliminates someone and then also weeps tears in the church and at the funeral. Of course I didn't attend, but I find the honour killings story more credible than the version of the family. Especially that 'fiancée' stood in the porch watching, together with his mother, how the emergency services tried to save her' Brrrrrr.... Read more


I fully agree with Ed about the deviating behaviour of Ralph G. What disappoints me is that I read some nuance from previous reports posted by Korterink but that this Ralph G gets so much room to come up with these kinds of unfounded referring statements. What does that Ralph think? Is it conscious of the fact that all names are written out in full and his name is abbreviated, as with suspects? Dear Anna, the names mentioned are not those of suspects. Everyone has to draw their own conclusions, the fact is that Ralph is working very hard on these issues. Hendrik Jan Korterink Read more


The psychologist has stated that he still wonders why she did it. She came into a dilemma between the two cultures and it is conceivable that there was an internal conflict between the life she wanted, in freedom and autonomy, and her family's desire for the preservation of the family's honour and traditional Afghan values and fear of rejection. Read more

Civil servant

It happens by chance in my own street. There are quite a lot of Farsi and Dari speakers who I have known for a few years. They think they know that there is an internal problem within the clan, and that would even reach to England. The truth will never come to light, the family seems to rather die than talk. This family came here because in 2003 there was an arrangement that Afghans could stay automatically, a lot of misery was brought in and the IND could not do anything about it. It took 16 months for the scheme to be reversed. I have great difficulty with that. These people simply do not shy away from committing a terrorist act on the 12th floor of a gallery apartment. Consciously putting hundreds of lives at risk! Then you really don't fit in with this society. Read more

Local resident

Wasn't there such a perfidiously rejected lover or ex-boss who, here and everywhere, is blaming the family with uncontrollable rumours in all shapes and forms? Sad figure. Read more


What kind of donkey Afghans are this. First of all, there was a murder with fire and now there is a whole hostage-taking case. If it continues in this way, Afghans will also get a bad name in the Netherlands. Read more


@Ralph: reporting does not mean that there is a case. You pretend that there are all kinds of problems around you and you are a victim, but the only one who makes victims is you. You stalk the Lawyers' Association, the judiciary, the police, several individuals and various forums. Hopefully crime journalist Hendrik Jan Korterink will stop taking your madness. Read more


The Utrecht Public Prosecutor today demanded 23 years' imprisonment for a 29-year-old woman suspected of killing a 23-year-old woman by setting fire to her. The motif: jealousy. The incident took place on 7 December 2009 at approximately half past five in de Geroflat in Zeist. On the twelfth floor, the victim was covered with petrol and set on fire. She was transported to the Medical Centre (UMC) and later to the Burns Centre in Rotterdam. That evening she died of her injuries. The jealousy-motif is based on the statements of witnesses. The suspect does not want to explain why she has carried out this act and how she has carried it out exactly. There are many testimonies that indicate that the suspect liked the future husband of the victim very much and that the suspect had to cry when it became known that marriage was imminent. The officer blamed the accused for not having disclosed the facts. In this way the next of kin do not receive an answer to the questions that live with them, and the officer described this as an addition of suffering. As an aggravating circumstance, he took into account the horrific way in which the victim was murdered. After the fire was extinguished, she was still conscious and suffered a great deal of pain. A true martyrdom'. The fact that the accused has a blank criminal record therefore did not play a role for the officer. And because she was found to be fully accountable, the officer demanded nothing but a very long prison sentence of 23 years. - Mr. Rob van Noort, Utrecht District Public Prosecutor's Office Read more

Civil servant

Narges Achikzei: 'I am going to marry a man of my own choice later, otherwise I will burn in hell! My parents know his parents! Get married with Afghan man or rich friend! Said to her ex-boss that she did not want to separate with arguments either. Screamed Haroen, Haroen after she was set on fire. Read more


The ex-boss of Narges Achikzei is that man who previously regularly polluted the comments here with his conspiracy theories? That man seems to me to be spinning a bit when I've followed it well all. That man sees ghosts where they are not... Read more


The perpetrator's motive is not yet known because she answers every question with the same answer: 'I don't know'. Typically for every killer who wants to qualify for the madhouse. A possible motive according to the police could be that MDNDR021 was in love with Narges' friend. In my opinion, MDNDR021 is a jealous, unscrupulous woman who is very dangerous to society. She was unhappy herself and was unhappy with another person's happiness... Rest in peace dear Narges Dear reader of AD, I would like to make a change to the text. Narges Achikzei was 23 years old, a student of Amsterdam University and 28 is MDNDR021, the woman who set Narges on fire. Police thought of suicide when the camera images had not yet been seen. After the police announced that the perpetrator was a woman, the next of kin were overwhelmed by the lies and false accusations of the media that this was an honour killing. Read more


It must not have been so difficult for the criminal police either, since the perpetrator was wearing a burberry scarf. You don't wear it for 1 x, you wear it several times and it is noticeable. With regard to Afghanistan it is one of the least developed countries of the region. Illiteracy is more than 50%, especially in rural areas. Clan/tribe identity is paramount, which is why honour killings are also an appropriate means of calling a family member to order and saving the name of the family. GDP (gross domestic product) of the country is frighteningly low and as long as nothing is done about it, you keep it. Read more


Someone mentioned right-wing imports of cheap labour as the cause of this tragedy. This person is not well informed: The cause was flatfaced jealousy, which in the culture of the perpetrator automatically leads to murder. The last cheap labour force was brought in in the mid-1980s, after which only leftist voting cattle were brought in. Read more


I still have to think of the Afghan woman who was set on fire at Zeist station last autumn by a family member, just because this woman did not want to marry the man who had been selected by her family for her. She just wanted to make her own choice about her future life companion. This was not accepted! This is a direct consequence of Islam in the netherlands. Richard, Bernisse Read more


The woman who was imprisoned at the end of January in the case of the murder of the 23-year-old accountancy student Narges Achikzei is in pre-trial detention for ninety days. This was decided last week by the court in Utrecht. Mary Hallebeek, press officer for the Utrecht Public Prosecution Service: 'We are working hard on the investigation. Ninety days is the maximum period of pre-trial detention. Within this period, the suspect's criminal case must have been dealt with by the court. When Narges opened the door on 7 December because a package was delivered to her, she was poured over with flammable liquid and set on fire. That same evening, she died of her injuries. At the end of January, the Media gave extensive attention to the case. Ten tips came in on this. In the same week the suspect reported to the police. As of 1 September 2008, Narges had started studying accountancy in the Economy & Management department of Fraijlemaborg. At the age of 16 she came from Afghanistan as a refugee with her family to the Netherlands, where they were granted asylum. Narges was known to accountancy as a good student. She was very active during lectures. At the end of last year she went to live on her own in Zeist. She was about to get married. (AG) Read more

Civil servant

There is absolutely no need to portray an appalling event of 7 December in such a light and link it to the so-called 'honour killings' argument, when even the police have never claimed this. It is difficult enough for the family, friends and acquaintances to cope with such a tragic loss, but journalists still salt over it. The family of the deceased woman, as the family-in-law, are not even strictly religious Muslims. But, very open-minded, integrated Dutch citizens. Tamiem Ashrafie (friend of fiancée) Read more


I think I have read that Narges and her sister have filed a complaint against Ralph G. Certainly also under pressure? The only goal of lawyer and fiancée would be to make money to bully Ralph with it? Well, of course it is possible, but it is not credible. If the fiancée is the 'commissioner', I recommend Ralph to go to the police with the undoubtedly hard evidence he has. oh well, that's not possible, because in spite of that evidence, the police choose to sacrifice the innocent MDNDR021 to keep the case 'simple'. Read more


Religiously married or not, does not matter. Problem is the girl is murdered, probably for idiotic reasons. Taliban means student or students or studying in my opinion. I find it funny that politics interferes in individual cases. There cannot be enough distance between the judiciary and the government. As the journalist said, he had generally asked for it rather than in an individual case. As a politician, you should not interfere with the rule of law, but with policy. Read more


Well, well what a Pavlov reaction. A little more intelligence would decorate our club. The suspicion is that the woman had mainly come to her act out of jealousy. A little bit crazy, so to speak. But before we draw premature conclusions and make ourselves look ridiculous, it would be better to wait for the trial. Read more


Why all these prejudices again when you don't know the whole story. That girl was murdered by a woman. This woman belonged to the circle of friends of narchis. Why she did it is not known she declares she is not sure if she did it. She is on the images......... Anyway a sick person Sad for those parents to lose your daughter in such a way. Instead of a wedding a funeral. Read more


Honor killing? The woman, a total stranger to the victim, said she had done it out of jealousy. The family had nothing to do with this, that has been explicitly reported by the judiciary as they know that there are people like you who cannot tell the truth with their forked tongues. Read more


In that case, they must do the same. Why is there no one who says or does anything! The lives of the next of kin have been destroyed and all this for the sake of jealousy and envy! It is a sick world. I hope that there will now be tough punishments. This sick female is NEVER allowed to return to society! Domus! Read more


Well... I'm against any kind of violence against women, but you'd take it huge to graze... my dear what an act. Crime passionate? Sick mind in any case. Read more


Tonight I have experienced the murder very closely; it concerned my upper neighbors. I don't know the exact facts, but it was a personal drama. The parking deck in front of our flat will be blocked off and signalled as a matter of urgency. Presumably someone has been seriously burned. Read more

Local resident

Ralph G., the ex-boss of Narges Achikzei, who was killed by MDNDR021 (Zeist), is unable to stop spreading conspiracy theories around him. According to him, the murder of Narges Achikzei in which she was set on fire is a typical case of honour kiling. And although the police initially wanted to go along with that, it turned out that little of that story was true According to Ralph G. Narges Achikzei was forced to marry an Afghan man and MDNDR021 was sent out to kill Narges. He calls this on every website where only something about Narges Achikzei is written. However, the evidence is lacking. But for the sake of convenience, Ralph G. forgets that the judge has already sentenced him 4 times for his false accusations. Still, that didn't really help. It may be wise to give Ralph G. a stay in a Dutch cell for a while. So that the family of Narges can finally start the 'real' process of mourning. Read more


On television is already said that the story of Afghan_Boy is true. Poor thing............. A lot of strength to the next of kin. And it's a pity that this had to be done after 4 declarations.... Read more


According to today's newspaper AD/UN, the victim was sacked last year. Since then, a lawyer has also been working on the case. Okay, then it has not been an honor killing, but then it has been jealousy... in any case, a girl/woman of 23 is dead because someone disagrees... That in this day and age... I find it ridiculous... whether it be honor killing, jealousy or something else Read more


have also heard that probably her ex boss was in love with her and she wasn't and so it all started... the ex-boss is called Ralph Geissen...if you type the name you will see all the lawsuits that they have been through... Just for the record, she's probably burned by a Dutchman! So not the family or Afghans! Read more


I already know it's a Dutchman her ex-boss called Ralph Geissen he was helped by a Afghan or so, but I don't understand then that that man had threatened her fiancée and her sister why the fiancée did nothing. Read more


the girl was set on fire because her DUTCH ex-boss was in love with her...After she had not responded to his love and was engaged, he went to sue her for all kinds of things. The girl had even gone to the police to indict him. NEXT TIME: CHECK YOUR RECORDS!!!! Please don't just sit and talk bad about the Afghans. Nope, but the family said this themselves, they had been working on it for a year now. The name of her ex-boss is ralph geissen. If you type his name in google then you can see what kind of nonsense he has written. But he writes it in such a way that it seems as if he is right. He also published all his letters etc. to lawyer/judge on the internet because he simply knew he was wrong and wanted to use this to defame her name and the name of her family / fiancée. All in all, the police have not yet made anything public. But they have already gone to the family, where quarrels arose then because the family said that the police are already too late. They didn't do anything at his time..... Oh, they were 3 Dutch men according to a witness. The girl was talking to her fiancée by phone when via the intercom was called (she lived in a flat) that she got a package delivered. She went down to get it, but there was no one. When she went upstairs again three white men were waiting for her. Then they threw petrol over her and set her on fire. It now seems clear to me that it was the ex-boss. Read more


To Utrecht for the Afghan burned alive case. One girl lures the other into the elevator with an excuse and then sets her on fire. They are both Afghan. So honour killing? No, this seems to me to be a typical case of jealousy. With random Afghan protagonists. @Mlauriks exactly, great nonsense (honour killing assumption when it comes to 'immigrants')! Malini Faasen (BNN Crime) Read more


It was on television prime time! 2x It was an acquaintance. A friend of the fiancée's friend the sister has done it MDNDR021 28 years. Read more

Civil servant

You put on the Elsevier site that it was an honour killing and hundreds of people respond to your article. The victim's relatives are still being insulted and abused while a loved one of them has been murdered in such a horrific way. I understand that you want to become famous with your articles, but do you realise how much pain you are causing them? You are a woman yourself and perhaps also a mother. You will surely have a loved one for whom you care a lot. How will you feel if you find yourself in such a situation? It can happen not only to an Afghan woman but to every woman in the Netherlands. Greetings, a member of the victim's family Read more


I believe Ralph G.. Honour killings are a cultural thing, not an Islamic one. It does occur frequently in Islamic countries, but has nothing to do with Islam. Read more

Typical Dutch media. using anything that does not appear in other newspapers to attract the most attention' without anything sensible in it and without anything true. moreover, there is no thought of how the next of kin might read such messages. Read more
What? ? #NOW IT'S CLEAR #ENOUGH Wednesday #everyone #PVV #VOTE! This is #madness.... As a response to '70/ Research leader Prosecutor Mr. Rob van Noort positive about Haroen Mehraban'. Read more

Terrible! But it is a daily reality for a woman born in Islam. There is no escape. When I am shot down on the street tomorrow (they do so with women in my country) then it is no coincidence, it is a recovery from disobedience or sin. I just have to read headline - I know enough. Read more


Chief Public Prosecutor Johan Bac does not see any grounds for an investigation of the facts by the National Criminal Investigation Department on the grounds of a request from Ralph G.. Read more

Civil servant

You can certainly read these facts of Internet fraud. When you search creatively on the internet you can read a lot about the accusations against the victim. However, the victim had not yet been convicted of this. And it is simply the case that someone is innocent until proven guilty. So, innocent! You can also ask yourself the question why it is that this has happened to the victim.... It is not for nothing that her Ex boss has put in a lot of energy to show how wrong the Achikzei family is. Read more


I know too! They say that Narges' fiancée had something to do with that killer, and that killer was of course jealous of her, because the killer had a crush on her fiancée, but her fiancée cheated, so the killer thought that Narges had taken care of it, it was Narge's enemy. Khoda bebakshed nargesjan Read more


Ralph G. argues that the murder of Ms N. Achikzei was not the work of one person, but that there was a perpetrator group and an honour killing. He states that the Public Prosecution Service and the police deny this and want to cover up the theory of honour killing. He is of the opinion that the police and the public prosecutor's office should pay for this. He therefore asked the Public Prosecution Service to have a national criminal investigation carried out. All claims were rejected on the grounds that they were not substantiated. The Chief Public Prosecutor, Ms. Mw. Mr. H.E. Hoogendijk and Mr. H.F. Mos Read more

Civil servant

As far as Ralph G. is concerned, I'm not sure what he thinks should be the motive for his honour killing theory. Read more


From the public stand they shouted: 'you couldn't have got him anyway'! A family member explains to a journalist that MDNDR021 once cut a picture of Narges. Read more


Suspect does not play the game with that she committed the murder out of jealousy. I had nothing against her', she says. If you hear an animal walking over your roof at night, it can be a 5-legged unicorn, but it's usually just a cat. (R. Reijnders) Twittered by a PBC observer at the Court. Read more


My father knows her parents, & we know her fiancée, We were also at the burial, Really very bad, Those parents are not even sad & weird & her fiancée was. I wish them all the best. Read more


It only seems logical if you ask me, take a look at what she has done to her parents and then people have to feel sorry for her? Read more


Request to members of Afghan.nl: Do you not want to open up a topic about the murder of the Afghan girl any more? That is a request from the family members. There were also lies spread here, that the man had done it and that is something the family does hurt very much. Knowing that the Afghans tell everything to each other and believe everything blindly. Especially what is said by Shaitan, that the man did it. Read more


They say the mother didn't even cry at her funeral. Murdering (if...) it's about the honor of your family. Genuinely stupid. Read more


The case you are talking about at FraudOnTheInternet has taken a bizarre turn: the wife of the duo ZM and NA did not survive an attack in Zeist on Monday. There is a good chance that the story will stop now. When I spoke to the police about that murder, they knew about this Internet fraud, but they didn't want to make me wiser. The fact that one of the two was burned by family or acquaintances probably has nothing to do with this. Read more


Hello all, for the sake of clarity. She was not set on fire by her ex-husband because she never married. Her future husband has nothing to do with it because he has not even been taken for questioning and is therefore also a victim. Please no longer post messages that are not correct. We leave speculation to the police. Thank you in advance! Read more


I knew the victim, and the perpetrator is not her ex-husband, but a schizophrenic sadistic beast who belongs behind bars for the rest of his life, at least. For the sake of the family, I kindly ask you not to say anythings that you hear, because it is all nonsense but it hurts her family a lot to read it. Read more


It is, first of all, an appalling act. I didn't want to write anything about it because it's sensitive, but because more and more people are annoyed with it, I thought, maybe it's an idea to tell the other side of the story as well. It turns out that a great many people have been deceived by the madame that has been set on fire. The Internet is full of accusations against her concerning scams and fraud. Once again, it is what can be read on the Internet; I am not claiming anything. In any case, given the number of charges against her, it is clear that this is not a matter of honour killings. I deliberately chose not to report the sources and her full name, because of the sensitivity of the case. Read more


She loves her fiancée so much. So no one thinks it has anything to do with honour killings. They love each other very much yes. The family has made four reports of Narges being threatened by someone. By whom I do not know. The police did nothing. They are always too late, and only start working when someone has been killed or burned in the house. Only then do they get to work. Friend Narges' mother at RTV Utrecht Read more


Narges is Afghan and there are people who immediately thought it would be an honour killing. But the police have no indication that this is actually the case. There are also rumours that her death is due to legal conflicts involving Narges, conflicts that have nothing to do with her Islamic background. What the police would like to know is concrete information about the motif. Was anyone jealous of the fact that she was going to get married, for example? Read more

Civil servant

@Ralph Loser, you will certainly get your punishment. Now let's take care of the first trial. Ralph G. by going on as clumsy as this, you make your own life even more sour than it already is. You will also have to appear in court very soon. You, too, will be punished for your CRIMES. And no, this time you won't go bankrupt again, because you are already, this time you will get a PRISON SENTENCE. May you be in a room with MDNDR021 and talk about your hatred of Narges. Read more


All negative things about Narges on the internet come from one person: there are NO local residents who claim that Narges and Haroen had relationship problems, those are the lies of Ralph G. It has become a FACT that it is not about honour killings. MDNDR021 thought so clearly and was so sharp that she committed a murder on her own, flawlessly, which astonished the police and investigators. Read more


What I know is that Narges was bullied for two years by a man with whom she had been doing an internship. He had fallen in love with her and because he couldn't get her, he put all her personal data on the internet and accused her and her fiancée of fraud by putting false accusations on the internet. Narges and Haroen were engaged. I see no reason for an honour killing. Read more


Ralph wrote on his website that Haroen Mehraban is a Muslim extremist and that he and Narges are married according to an Islamic marriage, and even that her father had SOLD her to a Muslim. As long as it is clear that Narges was the person who took him to court because he had abused his position as boss, sacked her and refused to pay her salary. The judge had sentenced Ralph G., so he still had to pay Through lies he tried to blacken Narges and her fiancée on the internet through false accusations regarding internet scams. Read more


@Ralph Is it the case that your personal/business conflict with Narges and her fiancée is somehow related to this whole event? In this case, it is a question of clarifying why Narges was murdered. I hope that you have clearly communicated to the police your story of what you wrote here about your concerns about the murder. I assume that you too, although you feel deceived by Narges, want this murder case to be properly resolved and the guilty to be brought to justice. Read more


The next of kin suspect that the suspect acted out of jealousy because Narges was about to get married. The suggestion that this is an honour killing has been contradicted by the woman's relatives. Read more


Witness loyal to the Public Prosecution: 'MDNDR021 burst into tears when she heard that Narges and Haroen were going to get married. She secretly fell in love with Haroen. She hated Narges. Read more


Honour-related violence is an option that the police and the Public Prosecution Service take into account. In the interest of this investigation, I am not in a position to make any further statements at this time. At the moment, I am not in a position to comment on Islamic marriage, as the criminal investigation is under way in this case. Minister of Justice Read more


Parliamentary questions Lower House Member De Krom (VVD): 'Is this a case of honour killing? Could you explain this? Is it true that, in this case, an Islamic marriage had taken place without any prior civil marriage? How can that be possible? Can you explain this? Read more


Police 2.0 wants to speak to Mr. Trilhomo for a moment' In the terrible Zeister murder case of December 2009 (Zeist woman fire honour killing) the police now use state of the art criminal investigation. Geenstijl Read more


The police take everything into account, including honour killing. According to the AD, the victim came from Afghanistan and was about to get married. Marriage had already been done according to Islamic laws, so the woman would already live with her husband. -NU.nl Read more


Honour killings in Zeist: 23 year old woman set on fire. They are rejected, mistreated or murdered by their families because they have damaged their good name. The reason is often that girls have a relationship that is not approved by the parents or sex before marriage. Elsevier Read more


The police take honour killing into account, but Narges may also have been the victim of a settlement: There are rumours that the family has been involved in fraudulent activities. In the background there is a conflict with the ex-boss, who has reported fraud against the family, while in turn he also has to justify himself because for a long time he stalked his former employee Narges with e-mails and her honour and good name would have been damaged. According to this ex-boss, Narges had wanted to marry him but her family did not allow her to do so. -pasteurella.blogspot Read more


Woman from Zeist (23) dies of honour killing. On Monday evening the police carried out an investigation into persons passing by in the Vollenhove district following the murder of a 23-year-old woman from Zeist. The woman had been set on fire on 7 December. The police refer to honour killing as a motive. The woman was taken to hospital by trauma helicopter. She died there. The police have put 25 investigators in the case and are looking for witnesses who can tell more about the background of the event. -De Nieuwsbode Zeist Read more


‘Woman victim honour killing'. The woman who died in Zeist after being set on fire is a victim of honour killing. She was about to get married when she was killed. De Telegraaf Read more


Hart van Nederland: 'According to local residents, the death of the woman is related to relational problems. Read more


Police are familiar with the theories of honour killings and legal conflict. According to Thomas Aling, a completely different motive is also conceivable, for example someone who was jealous of Narges getting married. We hear many stories in the neighbourhood, including contradictory stories, and it is up to us to choose the right motif. Her arrest certainly did not preclude other arrests. Read more

Civil servant

There is no doubt that Ralph G. has been convicted four time because of his false accusations. He wrongly accused Narges and Haroen of scams and put many lies about them on the internet. For this reason, Raph G. was eventually declared bankrupt, but we see that even our Supreme Court in the Netherlands is not able to stop an internet nuisance handler. Ralph G. keeps going, even now, after the death of Narges. They stayed engaged for 6 years because they were both students and it is not easy for the students to save money for a house and for their dream wedding. There can therefore be no question of forced marriage or honour killing. Read more


I heard from a friend, who was again a friend of the victim, that the sister did not suffer greatly from her sister's death. She even wore her sister's clothes to the burial, and is flirting with her sister's fiancée. I think that sister was jealous, and wanted to mutilate her in that way. You have to be sick to go that far. Dear NN, I think this is a very far-reaching accusation, I would like to draw the attention of the readers to the fact that this is only one of the possibilities and perhaps a very nasty gossip. Henry Jan Read more


There are rumours that criminal activities were being carried out by the family and that this gave rise to an argument. Others say ex-boss/background. Read more


The perpetrator will not really say anything, and cannot remember anything for a reason, and that reason is that she has something to hide because she was not alone and did not act alone, I know that, because I saw her with a man who looked like a Dutchman (at least when they walked by I thought: he's a Dutchman, that's how he looked), walking around the corner, I was parking, they walked tightly side by side, and just not running. Read more


Today's greatest annoyance: it is caused by the approximately eight police officers present in the room who are involved in the investigation. Telephones go off throughout the trial, people talk to each other out loud, and every time a question is put to the suspect, they will give the answer. -Anna Korterink Read more


Lawyer for MDNDR021, Ausma: in my view, there is no motive in this case. The jealous motive cannot be substantiated in court. Read more


For her own faith she had just been married for a few months and lived with her husband. Divorce is a disgrace, but killing your wife is not... Read more

Local resident

Probably honour killing, cheating, family name made ridiculous or married off. Barbaric & Medieval way of thinking. Read more


I find that jealousy story a somewhat unbelievable story. I suspect the whole thing is much more complicated. Read more


It's hard to imagine that MDNDR021 did this alone. Did she make a call at the intercom? How did she escape? Someone didn't want Narges to get married! MDNDR021 killed Narges because she was hopelessly in love with Haroen Mehraban. Prosecutor Mr. Rob van Noort Read more

Civil servant

I have often seen Narges Achikzei on a bus with another Afghan who lived in our neighborhood and who, according to other neighbours, is or was in a loverboy circuit. Read more

Local resident

Although everyone's death is tragic, and she has not deserved it, a bit of a picture emerges of a lady/family, in which it is best not to interfere. Read more


The gossip close to the fire immediately said it was an honour killing. This family simply doesn't shy away from committing a terrorist act on the 12th floor of a gallery apartment. It is a fact that this very family does not care about Dutch norms and values. Fraud, illegal immigrants shelter etc. etc. Read more

Local resident

I think it is also a form of an honour killing, but that it is related in a different way. It seems to me that the date of the murder of Narges (the 7th day of the month) was also consciously chosen. Read more


During my search on the internet I came across a lot of nonsense... I don't understand why Dutch people suddenly start talking about culture and faith. This has absolutely nothing to do with culture and faith... but with a horrible death in which we all, as fellow human beings, have to show pity instead of this nonsense gossip. But well I wish the next of kin a lot of strength, and the Dutch a good mind... Read more


R.G. did his utmost to make himself and others believe that the love was mutual. Suppose Narges' family took that seriously. Could that be a reason for an honour killing? Read more


so much is said about the ex-boss (R.G.). At one point the rejection had become such an obsession for the man that he wanted to convert from a driven atheist to Islam, only to be able to marry Narges. Was it an honour killing or was it - if I don't get het, then neither will you? Read more


The murder by fire seems to me to be a matter of an honour killing or a form thereof. In countries where this is common practice, setting fire to someone in order to mutilate or kill them is one of the ways in which honour killings can be carried out. Read more


The Afghan woman burned alive story is sold by the media as 'jealousy' but is just a vulgar 'honor killing' according to court reports... Read more

Local resident

In any case, the police are withholding a great deal of information. There must be more images of the perpetrator if it had been an honour killing. Her family living in the L-flat. Then there would have to be surveillance images of her walk from the Gero to the L-flat. This walk must be registered by the cameras of the L-flat. I do not believe that the judiciary will do a good job and investigate this clan professionally. Read more

Local resident

The integration of such a girl is simply not accepted by people of the same kind. What a disgusting culture it is, after all. Just BARBARIC. Read more


Ralph. That you didn't have a connection with MDNDR021 is a question! You lived in Utrecht and she studied every day in Utrecht and both of you had a motive. She couldn't get Haroen and you couldn't get Narges. Read more


Have you heard about the Afghan girl who was burnt alive? Really bad, she was on her way home and a Dutchman, who stalked her and where she also reported against at the police several times, burned her alive. She was also engaged and would marry in a few weeks' time...you have also heard that probably her ex-boss was in love with her and she was not and so it all started...the ex-boss Mr. Ralph Geissen... if you type the name you will see all the court cases they have had... Just for the record: she was probably burned by a Dutchman! Read more

Execution indicates an honour killing. It is well known that in Afghan circles, pouring a flammable liquid over and setting fire to it, and carrying out attacks with acidic substances are common methods of punishing a family member who is too westernised. I note that during the proceedings - which were attended by myself and later by daughter Anna - nothing of honour killing was found. If Geissen is of the opinion that this is the case, then he must come up with evidence. He is fortunate that the victim's family keeps the honour to themselves and does not allow themselves to be provoked by the heaps of slander and defamation poured over them by Geissen. Apart from that, there is no logic whatsoever: victim Narges was about to get married to a candidate who was accepted in all respects in that culture. What motive can you think of to kill someone in such a horrible way? Whose honour had to be revenged? The only thing I can think of is Geissen himself. Hendrik Jan Korterink Read more

If she was married and would have an affair, I could understand, but because she doesn't want to marry? Read more


Dutch people all too quickly call out 'Honour killing'.....For the thousandth time, it was not an honour killing........... It was a settling of scores, it was quite clear.... Read more


Ralph, how much did you pay to have such a horrible act committed? Did you have any money left despite bankruptcy? You will see what is going to happen to you. It was very clever of you to have a foreign woman kill her. sohrab188 Read more


The only one to blame the family is the ex-boss with his multiple accounts. Everyone is aware of that. Everyone knows how many times he has been convicted. That says more than enough for the well- gifted Dutch. The ex-boss has spoken a few times about an honour killing. Who then ordered the honour killing, and why should it be an honour killing? Both Narges and her fiancée were only cultural Muslims. Moreover, they were in love with each other and were engaged. I see no reason for an honour killing. And all those emails about internet scam were fake, made and communicated by 1 person who wanted to defame Narges and her fiancée. Read more


Fahu you are the ex-boss yourself. It is very clear. That can even be deduced from your way of writing. Whether or not you support that murder, I don't know. But you will surely be punished for your previous CRIMES. The court hearing of 15 December has not been forgotten. It will be resumed in the near future, and you will pay. Musicioso/Masoud Mehraban Read more


Let me be the first to say that is a horrible case, hopefully they will have the perpetrator soon. .....But when I look at that site, it was she who was actually involved in fraud. Read more


She (the young woman who was set on fire) worked for his company, and was a beautiful lady with brains. This boss had fallen in love with her and had made a request for marriage. She was in love with an Afghan boy and she chose him. The boss did not accept this and immediately sacked her. In doing so, this issue has really escalated and led to countless court cases, and the boss has lost all these cases and this lady has been vindicated. She was going to marry the 20th of this month, everything was arranged, her dress, wedding room, music band and guests were also invited. She was mercilessly set on fire; she is no longer here. Who did it? Why did the journalists write that it was an honour killing? A lot of Why's but no answer. I hope that criminal investigations will do their job properly and that they will quickly apprehend the perpetrator(s), because this crime is really very serious. At the moment a beast, crazy and merciless person walks freely around who knows what else he or she is capable of. Read more


No honour killing, no love...This woman was murdered by her ex-boss. That's what everyone says and that's who threatened her... But yes, we live in the netherlands. Everything is blamed for 'honour killing' and that kind of bullshit again, while it was a white person who did it.... This again shows how backward and prejudicial people think. this simply shows how racist the netherlands is. What I write is not nonsense, the perpetrator had his own business. Ask the people for witnesses who worked for the perpetrator's business that it was the case that the perpetrator was in love with her or not. the f*cking police, why do they not do their job properly, the woman has reported four times to the police that they are threatened with death by a white man, the police says that it's an honour killing, I think WILDERS now work at the police believe me that it is so. Read more


There is absolutely no libel or slander against Ralph. The members of Afghan.nl were shocked by the event and only vented their hearts and expressed their opinions based on the facts. It is not at all surprising that the members see Narges' ex-boss as a suspect. After all, he was obsessed with that girl and he did his utmost to disgrace and damage that girl and her family by spreading lies about them over the internet. That's what I call libel and slander of the highest kind. Read more


Islam is an arabic invention - an ahw separation from the arabic` soul. That is why honour killings, corporal punishment, polygamy and other characteristics of Arab culture are to be found in all areas conquered by Islam, as they have been recorded in the Koran with God's word. Culture has been exported along with religion and language and has therefore spread throughout the Islamic world. Furthermore, it is, of course, just an old-fashioned macho culture, which is, as it were, rigid in its faith, and which unfortunately cannot be changed. Read more


Her ex-boss, why did that asshole blacken her. really weak I hope he will be punished for this, weird head' 'Ralph, you will be punished! RIP Nargis jan...' 'That Ralph Geissen can get a disease. Doesn't matter if he did or didn't do it. He did defame them'. Read more


I do not know that you are all talking nonsense here, but that girl had a Dutch friend (her ex) she would soon marry an Afghan boy, her ex did not tolerate it and he therefore burned her and that is not due to an honour killing , so... no, I did not know her, but my family knew her family, and you should not believe everything the media says.You don't even know what our culture is like, so then you shouldn't proclaim hopeless nonsense and pretend to know everything about that culture so don't come and say that I am talking nonsense, because I am telling the truth... Read more


Yes, I also find it sad...they say by her boss and some say by her ex fiancée...is very sad...especially for the family. "It is by her boss and not ex fiancée bullshit stories she was already 6 years engaged with the same boy'. Read more


Police report on television: 'The ex-boss of Narges is, at this moment, not a suspect for the murder. The two of them had a big argument. Read more

Civil servant

MirjamSterk: 'Young woman set on fire in Zeist and deceased. She seems to be Afghan and was about to marry... This looks very much like an act of honour killing...'. Read more


What I regret is that everyone is now very angry with it because the murder 'was committed by an Afghan', let us look back at the past. In which case was there more controversy, Mohammed B. or the murderer of Pim Fortuyn? in this case it will turn out that the murderer is a Dutchman, and then suddenly it is much quieter. I think that unfair people... murder is murder. I myself am of Afghan descent, whoever did it, the perpetrator must be behind bars until death. Read more


People, do not speculate too quickly! It seems more and more that this is not a matter of honour killings, but a horrible action by her ex-boss. I wish the next of kin a lot of strength! Read more


Narges' family has burned her because she would be in love with her ex-boss. Read more


TGO Gero investigator: 'Narges' family wave with court rulings on our first visit. Narges assumed that she would be prosecuted by the Public Prosecution Service. All the Afghans we have spoken to have mentioned the name of her ex-boss. He was strongly advised not to visit her funeral because we could not guarantee his safety there. Read more

Civil servant

How 'logical' and what has she done to her parents? What is her fault. Is loving someone something wrong. When her parents do not accept the boy it does not mean that she has to put an end to her relationship. We do not live in the stone age. It's 2010 It is her life so ultimately also her choice and that it has had to come to this.... It's a bit sad. R.I.P. Read more


Why do you involve Islam and honour killings in the process? I am an acquaintance of that girl, I know how it really is: she got engaged to a boy for love and her own will and they wanted to get married on 20 December 2009, her ex-boss. A Dutch man was in love with her for years, at first he kept calling and harassing, later he started to show aggressive behaviour, when he heard that she was going to get married he set her on fire. The police had to know this better, just like the Journalists who come here to tell nonsense about an honour killing? Precisely because it is an immigrant woman, it does not mean that it must be an honour killing or that it derives from Islam. It is very easy to blame Islam (which people have been doing for years) but she is dead, burned, and died in pain and screaming. This is simply inhumane! I myself am broken, just like her fiancée, her family, and friends. Read more


Next time, Islamic Talabanic acid will be thrown again. Awful what anguish and pain this woman must have suffered. Read more


There is no case of an honour killing. The perpetrator has already been arrested. She is an Afghan girl of about 28 years of age. It is a great pity that it is someone from our circle of friends. Someone from whom we couldn't expect this in our wildest dreams. Her motif is not known yet. She has no intention of saying anything about it. Could be money at stake, can be jealousy, can be anything. In about 2 months there will be a court hearing, and everyone will be allowed to attend and find out all about it. But please stop spreading gossip. Greetings, Masoud Mehraban. Read more


A number of problems are ethnically defined but are not related to economic motives: honour killings and marriages, for example. These are backward cultural habits. However bad a Dutch person is financially, he will not force his daughter to marry a cousin. Or burn his niece because she wants to marry a boy who has just been following another religion, such as 'Honour killings in Zeist 23-year-old woman set on fire'. Read more


In the terrible Zeister murder case of December 2009 (Zeist woman fire honour killing) the police now use state of the art criminal investigation. Twitter. Anyone with 'Zeist' in the Twitterbio is apparently tweeted to by the police to provide information about this unpleasant case. Read more

In a very emotional statement in the courtroom yesterday, Haroen described those last minutes of the love of his life, Narges. I immediately drove to Zeist. It could not be good. At the Geroflat he sees fire trucks and police. He wants only one thing. To the most beautiful woman in his life, Narges. He hears her still calling his name. He only sees her in the burns centre in Rotterdam. Burnt 80 percent. She was everything to me. I lived for her. Keep her alive, I cried out to the doctors. So I can tell you how much I love her. But her life is no longer saveable. They had to let her go. I sat with my head at the foot of the hospital bed and looked at the heart monitor. Her heart was still beating, for me. I looked until there was only a straight line to see Read more

You don't know anything about that family at all. You don't know anything about the police! You hear what others are saying and you take that as a fact... and suggest here that it is a fact. Police have said nothing about an honour killing...but the media... I myself have been interrogated by the police. All that stories about the mother are nonsense. I know these people and, unlike you, I have seen them personally with my own eyes and spoken to them personally! The family also never indicated that it's 100% that the ex-boss is the perpetrator... they only said that he was the only enemy of the girl! The rest of the family has nicely placed their complaints with the police none of the reactions on internet have been written by family members. Read more


The Dutch lawyer Ruijzendaal has been shocked. 'Incredible. All of this is still so unreal. I have been in contact with the family for a while. The shock is enormous there'. According to him, the woman was a very pleasant person. 'Nor have I ever noticed that anything could be wrong'. Read more


Local residents claim that love troubles are the cause of the drama. Because it would indeed be a young woman who was about to get married, I believe. Read more


I wouldn't know who or what is behind it. To be honest, I have no faith in the expertise and approach of the local police. And whether it was an honour killing or not I don't know either, she didn't have the very best of friends. Read more

Local resident

Hi Pieter, When did police announce that it was an HONOUR KILLING, and how do you know that the perpetrators are her family? You say this because the perpetrators are Dutch. That's why. End of discussion. Read more


For the time being it seems that there was jealousy because Narges would get married shortly afterwards and because Narges led a very happy life and we are looking for the motif in that line. On the contrary, it is suggested in the media that Narges is a victim of an honour killing. This is a completely false suggestion. There is simply no evidence for an honour killing. The family has nothing to do with it. Why I emphasise this is because it is also very unpleasant for the family members. It's just hard that the community looks at you like this, that the environment looks at you like this. While you are in your grief. So, in that respect, you can just rule out the possibility of an honour killing. According to the suspect shot-caller, TGO Gero team leader Tijn Keuss has told the lawyer Ruijzendaal that Narges Achikzei's ex-boss is frustrating the investigation with his publications on the internet. Read more

Civil servant

This girl was set on fire by order of her ex-boss named Ralph Geissen (Dutch man). She had just won a lawsuit against her ex-boss and as a result his company Advios Assurantien B.V. was declared bankrupt on 1 September. All these conflicts arose when the girl was engaged and therefore her faith for Islam had become stronger, she also began to wear headscarves which proved to be unbearable for the ex-boss Ralph Geissen and therefore he immediately sacked her. After that, the ex-boss Ralph Geissen tried in various ways to defame the whole family with fake proofs, but that did not lead to anything. Eventually, this cowardly murderer killed the girl in this way out of hatred. Ralph Geissen is a strongly disbelieving person with a great hatred for Islam and Muslims. People, study first, then speak up. There is enough information on the internet about Ralph Geissen lies against this poor Muslim family Read more


Khuda jazayetana beta... with you humans, a dead person doesn't even have peace... the whole story is.. Narges was already 5 years engaged she would marry this week. 1 week before her wedding she was burnt alive by a Dutchman...and who was sent by her ex boss...he did this because he fell in love with Narges he said if you don't marry me I will kill you and your fiancée... she went to the police with this and reported... Typically Dutch police that are too slow and soft, only now do they take action, only when there is a murdercase. But good people when you gossip do it well and don't start nonsense... as fiancée has done, I was at the funeral when you knew how that poor boy screamed and cried with grief. Toba bekashen instead of gossiping about a dead person. Read more


narges mehraban acchikzai, she was burned in her own apartment at her porch by a Dutchman, her ex-boss, they had a conflict and it has come to pass that she was burned by him. she was engaged and was getting married this week. Read more


I and my parents were to another funeral and that girl's mother was there too... She did not behave at all sadly or so... she kept saying that it was time for her daughter to go... That no one could do anything about it and so on. blaba. we were really surprised... the mother was very cold-hearted... how they say it in Afghan 'sard dell... Or so XD--- It was pitiful... the way she talked was as if she was talking about the neighbor, not about her daughter or so... very weird in my opinion! Read more


Ralph Geissen the ex boss of Narges Achekzai, you write all this. You are active in this forum and every time you place your text with a different nickname. Of course! You have even been declared bankrupt by the courts, so you have had time to be active in all the websites and, moreover, you, as a worthless and unscrupulous person, have nothing to lose. You threatened Narges and her fiancée with death because Narges didn't want to have anything to do with you. It' s better to lie underground than to marry a worthless figure like you. Old cock! Couldn't you get anyone of your own age? Pedophile had fallen in love with his intern. Are you happy that she died? She was a vulnerable and innocent girl. I wish I had been in her place. Then you would have seen what happens to the paedophiles and insane. You are ill and dangerous to society. If her fiancée had been an inclusive type, as you describe him on every site, then he would have cut you into pieces and no dog would have found your body. YOU WILL BURN IN HELL. I know that you, as an atheist, do not believe in hell. You certainly laugh at the word hell, but how strong is your source that there is no hell? That you, as a terrible devil, go unpunished? You don't believe this yourself, don't you? Come on! You're not that stupid. Remember one thing. Not everyone is as nice as Narges and her fiancée. There are a lot of people on earth who are capable of much worse deeds than you did. Read more


I myself am of Afghan origin, the perpetrator is her own sister, the aunt of her and his daughter and her sister are the perpetrators. when she was set on fire she told her mother who the perpetrator was but the aunt did not allow her so she take the mother away from her daughter. so she could not tell. Read more


They say the mother didn't even cry at her funeral, & sheeeh, where is this going? Come on! Murdering (if...) it's about the honour of your family. Sharm konen dega, bash shut ami chiza-e-t than. people make mistakes, therefore we also need to learn. -.- really stupid, Read more


Dear all, The whole affair has nothing to do with honour killing. I can be extremely annoyed when conclusions are drawn wrongly. Especially when it comes from a part of the Ummah. Read more


What are people talking about Islam, honour killings or crazy Afghans here? honour killings do not even belong in Islam... it is becoming increasingly clear that this is not an honour killing, the perpetrator is probably a Dutch man who would be her former boss...he would have threatened her more than once because she would have filed lawsuits against him and would not have wanted to marry him.I find it really pathetic and backward how some Afghans here are blamed for everything...as if Dutchmen or Moroccans were better...Crazy you have in every population, that is now evident from the following story: the perpetrator is probably a Dutch man. Read more


I have indeed heard that her Dutch former boss probably is behind this, so don't think that we Dutch people only have angels among us. You don't have to attack an entire race or faith simply because you hate Islam. And it's really ridiculous that you care more about faith and race than that poor girl and her family! Read more


If I may believe the various reports, this young woman has fallen victim to an obsessed Dutch ex-boss. The trial will prove it, but everything points in his direction. I am simply going to rely on media reports. May the law have its course and (if true) the highest possible penalty be imposed. Read more


They do talk about honour killing, but it may have been a rasict or someone who just hates her. They always try to shift everything to honour killings, but you never know what the real cause is. I mean honour killings have not been happening in countries like these for a long time, usually in Islamic countries. it may well be that this time it is, but we should not start from the premise. it may just as well have been a racist or a jealous family member or someone else. Read more


Those Afghans live only for honour killings! Meskiena. Read more


Since reading the message this morning, I have not been able to get it out of my head. I really feel sick because of it. Normally I don't care about these things, but my heart goes out to her even though she's no longer there. Fucking backward monkey culture. I find that whole honour killing really sickening. The damned guts to kill someone else because she refuses something. I puke at such people. Read more


Would you say that you know all the Afghans through and through, what kind of moron lives there for honour killings... this is the lowest reaction ever! what do we think about maroccans always being considered criminals? ridiculous anyway, and well, you are doing exactly the same thing... stupid prejudices about people you don't know at all! and I don't know if you know, but this is most likely not even an honour killing yes...this poor girl has been set on fire by her disturbed ex-boss who had an eye on her...so more and more is claimed.... let's not draw conclusions too early and, above all, let's not make any stupid reactions like the lady above. Thank you. Read more


I have mentioned before, jokingly, that the woman may also have been set on fire by the family to heat the house. But now just as seriously: of course it is an Islamic phenomenon to kill women for the honour of the family. Yes, illegal for sure. But in spite of this it is a cultural phenomenon from Islamic quarters. Read more


I predict a 'burning alive' incident because she lets her breast be touched this way. You also know what kind of hothead afghans are, so that's why. I don't mock this incident, you all misunderstand it but leave it that way but I didn't mean it that way. Read more


I also heard that her brother would be behind it... but of course you can't say something like that if it's not sure. You hear the strangest stories about this. Read more


Is she to blame? Even if that girl cheated with 5 men, this was not allowed to happen. I really think this is bad, how could something like this have happened and who the hell is the perpetrator? Has she been set on fire in the elevator or in her house? Read more


This has nothing to do with generally civilised Dutch, nor with her religion, but with respect. This is a young woman who has been burnt, who has had to spend her last minutes in extreme pain and who has finally died. You shouldn't make jokes about that, nor mock it. 'A little Afghan who has been burned'????? Read more


In shariah honour killings are punishable. And in this case, where she has been married in Islamic terms of her own free will, the solution would be precisely that. She is married according to Shariah. If someone kills her, then she also deserves to be murdered in a similar way. Read more


As you all know, on Monday a 23-year-old Afghan girl was set on fire in Zeist. They say she had been engaged for 5 years and waited until her father-in-law came from Afghanistan to hold the wedding, she has been the victim. As all people think it is work of honour, which is when family members are banished into the house and seen as unknown because they marry someone who is against the parents' will. It is bad, but what can we fellow countrymen do about it? Read more


Strange guy that Dutch ex boss, he had created a whole website to defame her name. But committing a murder is very bad and, knowing the Dutch public prosecutor's office, it will be quite a long time before he is arrested. Read more


I had heard that that woman was going to marry an Afghan man, but her boss (Dutchman) was jealous or so, because he already wanted to marry her but that woman did not want to, and then she was sacked by her boss. That woman then went to court and so on. and she won the lawsuit, causing that man's business to go bankrupt. and then that man wanted revenge and when it was dark hecalled her at the door, (she lived in a flat) and said that he had a package, and asked if she wanted to come down... and that woman was at that moment on the phone with her 'future husband' and told that man that she was going down... and then she was probably murdered downstairs. and that future man of her was worried because she was constantly calling. so that man went to see if so... and then found her or something.... haha, I myself am also an Afghan... so I heard that via.. but I'm not sure if it's true! Read more


Police take honour killings into account. The victim would get married. Marriage is said to have been carried out in accordance with Islamic laws. This explains the unmarried living together. The woman who was set on fire had been living for months in contempt with her former boss. Her sister, friend and lawyer were also accused of fraud and threats by the man in numerous publications. It is not certain whether this conflict has led to the horrific death. The Public Prosecution does not want to answer questions, because the case is under investigation. The police do take the entanglements into which Achikzei had ended up into account in the investigation. But according to spokesman Aling, there is still nothing to be said about the motif. No suspects have been arrested yet. It is clear, however, that the conflict did put considerable pressure on Achikzei and other parties involved. The police assume that more people are involved in the case. Read more

Civil servant

Is she to blame? Even if that girl cheated with 5 men, this was not allowed to happen. I really think this is bad, how could something like this have happened and who the hell is the perpetrator? Has she been set on fire in the elevator or in her house? Read more


I always found Vollenhove to be a scary place. Whenever I went there I got into an argument with the boys who lived there. With the New Year it was so scary that I didn't even go outside. I found it really scary there, with all those immigrants. I am not to jangar'i. I hardly quarrel, but those guys were just bi adab. Read more


Ralph Geissen!! Did you get your way? You cowardly killer! Son of the bitch! Do you think that after this you can live normally? Go to hell!!! (I mean those who are negative about Islam) assholes! "Let's meet somewhere you dirty mice! You can only speak from your holes like frightened rats! Outside you are scared like a dog and don't dare to say anything to a Moroccan or another foreigner. Dirty cockroaches! Live like a lion, not like a rat or a cockroach! Believe me that Afghan family have been too naive with you. If only I was in their place, you'd been burning in hell Atheistic for a long time. Read more


Shouting and concluding before facts are known. Silly people. While there were clear facts in the newspapers that did not point in the direction of an honour killing, only everything was taken into account, 'possibly an honour killing as well'. Anyone who has done this is a sucker. So tuff! Endless sympathy for the family and the fiancée. There are no words for this.... Read more


I have heard that Ralph Geissen set his Afghan employee on fire because he was mad about her and she did not want him. He has literally made her BLACK. He is a murderer! I hope he gets lifetime.... My support and sympathy goes out to her fiancée, family and friends. It should indeed be left to the justice system, but you may well know that he has a great deal to do with this murder... I shall leave it at that. Read more


To be honest, the death of the Afghan girl burned alive deeply touched me. I am shocked that I had talked to her murderer about evolution and hate about dresses. This gives me chills and gives me the feeling that there are several murderers liars/composers/manipulators walking around. Read more


'Victim of honour killings in Zeist' was sacked last year. Since then there has also been a lawyer working on the case. So then it has not been a honour killing, but it has been jealousy... anyway: a girl/woman of 23 is dead because someone disagrees with her... That is what I find ridiculous at this time... whether it be honour killing, jealousy or something else. Read more


I have read the messages with disbelief. With even greater disbelief, I have read some stupid and narrow-minded conclusions. I find it sad that a future partner or other family members are being made suspect. If they had anything to do with it, they would have been arrested a long time ago. The only suspect so far is her Dutch former boss (who threatened her) who seems to have disappeared from the earth after this horrific act. You still talk about honour killing. Read more


I am family of that woman and I know what exactly happened: she wanted to get married but another man was already in love with her, so then that man was threatening her and everything she had told this to her parents and the police. but the very day she died she saw the man. he said: I am going to burn you alive. so when the man came into the flat and put her on fire. a woman in the flat heard her shouting for help she saw that she was in the fire.... Read more


Was a friend of my sister. Her whole family is completely destroyed, her fiancée doesn't know how to live any further. The perpetrator of this disgusting crime is still unknown. (although they do have a suspicion) Read more


Surely this is the Afghan woman who wanted to divorce her husband, making him so angry that he set her on fire??? Read more


Humble yourself with your demeaning posts, I have to puke up you and your kind. It is through such men that Afghan women get into trouble. You are not worthy of a relationship. On the one hand, I'm glad that such girls commit suicide, so they don't have to live together all their lives with such a moron in a true HEL. Read more


This had absolutely nothing to do with honour killing. This girl was the happiest girl, who could but exist together with her fiancée. She knew her fiancée for years. So I do not understand why you have the guts to link this sad event to honour killings. That Dutchman, her old boss, had been observing her for years, and he made her life sick! She had already reported to the police four times, because she had been threatened by him. Not even talking about the police yet, they have done nothing about it. And that guy is still walking around freely... Welcome to the Netherlands. He destroyed her life, the life of her family/ fiancée and our life... those of her friends. A lot of strength for the family and relatives. Read more


i also heard about the case. the girl is the friend of my aunt she also lives in the netherlands. well you can't say much about it except that the girl wasn't innocent either, but that's not a reason to kill someone so brutally. she was a bank employee in a bank and had an affair with her boss. she 'ripped off' her customers and betrayed them for her money. she also had debts. well, the game went on and on until she wanted to split up with her boss to marry her fiancee, who in turn couldn't stand the departure and killed her in a very sick way. Read more


I heard sad news on Ustad adat's show the other day. A young Afghan (23) from the Netherlands (Utrecht), named Nargiz, was sprayed with gasoline and set on fire by cowardly sneaky figures, after which she later died of her injuries. She was/was engaged and a student. Their wedding was scheduled for December 20. According to Ustad Sadat, this is what happened: The doorbell rang and a postman told her to come down from the 8th floor and accept her package. She went downstairs but found no one at the entrance. Afterwards she went back up to the apartment and just as she opened the elevator door to go into her apartment, she was held by two men, one of whom poured gasoline over her and set her on fire. I have two suspicions: Either the killers are islamophobic or someone who loved her and could not get her. Read more


what I can't stand is when it has to do with a Dutch family, then this tragedy is called drama within the family. and when it has to do with a migrant family, honour killings are immediately labelled on the case. real Dutch people, that whole thing in Zwijndrecht, may as well be called a honour killing. pffft idiots. Read more


Everyone in Narges' vicinity knew that she would rather not marry the Afghan man the parents had chosen for her, that she wanted to marry a man of her own choice and that she was in love with a Dutch man. The police have lied a great deal about this murder in the media. I notified the Utrecht Police about fiancée Mehraban and lawyer Ruijzendaal as shot-callers for the murdering of Narges with fire. Read more

Ex boss

Family honor is more important than a life, that is culture! And according to the person who sent me the message, a member of this forum has something to do with it, exciting! There is a difference between honour killings and family tragedies, think hard! As Afghans say: 'Name family bad mesha' Exactly, so we are going to kill her / him, dirty stupid culture Read more


Dutch people do not kill because of the honour, but rather out of a dispute or something else. Killing someone because she is a disgrace to the family is what they call an honour killing. It is common among Kurds, Afghans and Hindus. Last year it was with another family in Eindhoven. Read more


Did that ex-boss accuse her and say things to her husband? I do not know the guy, but he really deserves to be slapped. I hate such people, and then I hate a Dutchman who knows nothing about us and our culture and just causes problems. You read news, hear stories of people about what and how, and at the end you find out that they were an acquaintance of you. I would like to say that these stupid journalists are lying. The murderer, the ex-boss, is still at large. I do not know, but he deserves life in any case. Read more


Afghan, then. Many cases are called 'honour killing', but they are not at all. I know that case a little bit. I am not easily saddened by heavy criminal cases anymore, but this is a very gruesome end. I have done 2 real honour killings (murder), but these are really rare occurrences... And honour killings are not Islam either, also a misunderstanding says Mark Lauriks, Senior Advisor Strategy at the Ministry of Justice and Security. Read more


The story that honour killings have nothing to do with Islam must be told to this Afghan woman who has been set on fire for the honour of her family in the town of Zeist. This only because she wanted to marry a man of her own choice, apparently she did not want to submit to the will of her family. This tells me enough about submission. Read more

Local resident

At 4:39 pm, the person is first signalled near the [flat]. The person first enters the adjacent [flat] (where the [victim's] parental home is located) ... There is no evidence of a pathological jealousy or vengeful act by the suspect in general or against the victim in particular. Read more

Civil servant

The camera footage of the flat shows that the suspect had been in the vicinity of the flat where the victim lived about an hour before the offence was committed, and the L-flat, where the victim's parents lived, was in the vicinity of the flat where the victim's parents lived. She entered the apartment, which she left after a short time and then returned and went up with the elevator. (...) To date there has been guessing about a motive, although there are some indications in the file that the suspect may have been jealous of [victim]. Read more

Civil servant

Via afghan.nl I have read that the possible perpetrator could have been her ex boss. He was not particularly pleased with her sudden change in her way of life. She became a practicing Muslim and this was apparently not approved. There would have been a lot of play between victim and possible perpetrator, lawsuits etc after which the boss went bankrupt. This may have been a revenge. These problems had also been raised by the ex boss on afghan.nl, he was a member under the name Atheist. Read more


I was shocked when I read it, so horrible, and indeed really a stupid culture!!.. I have to do with her mother miskiena , and especially her, she will have had a terrible death, a terrible death!.. "They indicate that she was already married under Islamic law, and I don't think she was even living together for sure, I don't know what the reason was, I'm sure it will have to do with family! Read more


In my opinion, this does indeed have to do with a forum member. It is about 'Atheist'. He is a Dutchman and then boss of that girl when she was unmarried. That girl was then married (?) in Islamic terms to an Afghan man. The girl became more religious and refused to have any relationship with her boss,'Atheist. At that time Atheist placed all kinds of topics to address the whole situation and claimed that the girl was forced. Her husband threatened Atheist. After a number of months he opened a website with all kinds of defamatory and slanderous allegations. He accused her of theft in connection with her work. Read more


My relatives in the Netherlands know the family and have heard about the unfortunate news, May Allah take her into paradise. She said that it was her own boss who was in love with her and wanted her to marry him but she wanted to marry her fiancee. inshaAllah as said above someone who does this should slowly be worked on with a blunt kitchen knife... or as in film SAW process but as slowly and painfully as possible. Read more


Dear journalist of Elsevier, above you write that honour killings are common in Afghan. Well, on behalf of God, I wonder where this misinformation comes from. I myself am an Afghan woman and I knew the victim well, and the perpetrator is not her ex-husband, or someone from her family, but a schizophrenic saddish beast who belongs behind bars for the rest of his life. She has already reported to the police four times because she was threatened. The perpetrator is not an Afghan. Read more


Sometimes the pressure from the public and the media increases the chance of tunnel vision, says speaker Harro Kras. He cites as an example the investigation into the murder of a 23-year-old Afghan woman from Zeist. She died in December 2009 after she had been set on fire. "The media were on top of it. Experts were queuing up to give their views on this so-called honour killing. Meanwhile, a suspect woman from the circle of friends is on trial for this murder, in which the motive of an honour killing is clearly not on the agenda. The case shows the strength of the investigation team. It continued to take a critical look at all scenarios. Read more

Civil servant

that girl was an acquaintance of us, happened here in the neighbourhood. to bring Islam in immediately, and that a Dutch man probably did it, they don't tell, she was going to get married, she wasn't married yet, she was engaged, she still lived with her parents. it happened in that elevator. during the event she had been talking on the phone with her husband. eyewitnesses said that it was a Dutchman, Atheist Dutchman? P on to Police. According to her family Read more


I know her, there is now more coming out through the paper AD. it's true that she had done nikkah (islamic marriage). hope that the perpetrator will be caught but narges will never be revived, they are broken from. the police is fortunately busy investigating last night. such a lovely sweet girl you see yourself when pictures are shown a very big loss Read more


Ex-boss Ralph says,...I received an email from a former suspect in a murder case who is now putting a lot of work into uncovering the bottom stone. See below how the mail starts and the movie he made on YouTube. Ralph Geissen is someone who doesn't really know how to give up. He sees a conspiracy in this matter. MDNDR021 R sentenced to 12 years and the madhouse for the murder of the Afghan girl. But Ralph Geissen still devotes a lot of work to making his point today. Read more


At Radio M Utrecht an anonymous investigator involved in the investigation says: 'Woman victim honour killing and because of extortion of a company'. Read more

Civil servant

I was also irritated by the word 'AfghAantje', and I think it is ridiculous that she has been burned, and this only because her marriage is not valid. Wacko" Read more


I am working as team chief of Zeist/Bunnik/Leusden base team. I am filing this report on behalf of the Zeist police. As team chief, I have taken note of the insult/slander/libel against various police employees and the Zeist police. As a result of the investigation into the death of a woman on the Laan van Vollenhove in Zeist (TGO Gero 2009), various police employees have regularly received (hundreds of) emails from email account GEISSEN@gmail.com. GEISSEN@gmail.com made in said e-mails derogatory, insulting remarks about the police investigation, the police, in particular the Zeist police and various specifically named police employees. Read more

Civil servant

Ralph Geissen has contacted the Justice and Security Inspectorate via Twitter, and then by email. From his posts, I gather that he has complaints about police and prosecutor's office officials. He claims that these officials have acted corruptly. The Inspectorate monitors the performance of duties by the police, such as the quality of the investigation. Possible criminal conduct by individual police officers should be investigated by the State Criminal Investigation Department. If, in Geissen's judgment, this is the case, he should report it to the chief public prosecutor. Signs that may indicate a structural problem in the investigation may be grounds for the Inspectorate to launch an investigation. The Inspectorate has found no evidence of problems in the case of the Zeister fire murder that indicate a more structural problem in the execution of duties by the police. Therefore, the Inspectorate sees no reason to conduct investigations in response to its report. Read more

Civil servant
State Investigation Department received emails from Geissen with attachments and a request for a fact-finding investigation into the "fire murder in Zeist." His request cannot be fulfilled. I informed Geissen about this by phone and e-mail. -P. Bourgonje, State / information investigator Read more
Civil servant
A photo of family investigators Erik & Saskia referred to the "Zeister fire murder." In response, Geissen contacted BNNVARA and warned them of the negative consequences of broadcasting that episode. Geissen emphasized that no one is waiting for the lies of notoriously corrupt cops from Zeist, and he referred to all the fabricated stories that cops had already told. On behalf of BNNVARA, communications consultant Michiel van Rijswijk responded in the only proper way: "Dear Mr. Geissen, Thank you for your messages regarding our series 'The Family Investigator'. We can inform you that the case you speak of, the "fire murder in Zeist," is not part of the episodes we will broadcast." Read more
I thanked Geissen for the very clear and detailed email with attachments that made me understand the Zeister fire murder case much better. Amnesty does not work against corruption, does not sit in the judge's chair and does not deal with criminal law. According to Geissen, the executor of the Zeist police and the prosecution did not receive a fair criminal trial and was locked up in a TBS clinic for a long time based on totally fabricated stories. It is true that every defendant is entitled to a fair trial. It's just that Amnesty does not stand up for that in individual cases, unless someone is a "political prisoner" and thus is being tried (in part) because of his or her political ideas. It is only in those kinds of trials that Amnesty can sometimes be found in the courtroom as an observer, and Amnesty is sometimes willing to issue a press release about the case. Read more
It is established after police investigation that she was killed by a woman who was jealous of her because Narges was getting married to the man she was also in love with. Among other things, the suspect was seen on camera footage at the time of the murder. I don't see the internet scams and corruption here, unless Geissen means point 6. I agree with Geissen that you have to be very critical of the National Center of Expertise on Honor Related Violence, especially in terms of their approach and analysis. And if I see an honor motive or a risk of an honor killing I will not be silent on that. But then that is a matter of fair and objective investigation with clear criteria. About any corrupt police officers in Zeist, I know nothing. But accusing someone (falsely) of corruption is an action of defamation and can result in loss of honor. Loss of honor is very sensitive, as Geissen knows, and has great social and emotional consequences. Hence, that policewoman did not leave it at that. Read more
Civil servant
Unbelievable that Ralph Geissen still gets a podium on websites like this. Geissen is frustrated and constantly harassing people and living in a delusional world. He should stop with these kinds of conspiracy theories. Very unusual that he is also insulting about a deceased woman. Geissen was in love with her and unfortunately was never able to find a good partner in his life. He went bankrupt due to his own fault and cannot cope with this properly. Very bad for all relatives that he is doing this. Maybe he can once again write to all kinds of politicians, investigative agencies, websites to once again prove him wrong. Read more
H.J. Korterink, in publishing the article "Zeist fire murder: a cover-up? A timeline" on his website www.misdaadjournalist.nl did not act in a journalistically negligent manner. Unlike Ralph Geissen (complainant), the Council does not read in the article that he would be a "conspiracy thinker". A sufficiently clear distinction has been made between facts, allegations and opinions. There is no evidence of untrue reporting. The fact that the complainant does not agree with the official outcome of the murder case does not alter this. -Press Council Read more
In the "fire murder case in Zeist," a woman was sentenced in 2013 to 12 years in prison and mandatory admission to pscyhiatric clinic. However, the convict in that case has said little about her motive in that case. Geissen was the former employer of the victim in that case and had already called attention to the fact, even before her fateful death, that she was the victim of a forced marriage. Although there was apparently insufficient criminal evidence for this, according to Geissen (and others) it cannot be excluded that other persons were involved in this murder. Geissen has repeatedly pointed police and judicial authorities to indications, that there were honour killings and obstruction of a forced marriage. According to Geissen, these indications were never taken seriously and did not lead to a proper investigation. It should also be pointed out that Geissen was severely damaged by the extremely gruesome murder of someone he had known closely and was dear to him. Geissen has become aware that honour killings are a very large and international problem and has become an expert in this field through his own activities and studies. This case is not about arbitrary accusations stripped of any basis. Read more
Have read it all the way through, what an information all. Very good timeline and good detailed information. Its a few pages, but then you have something. Ralph Geissen thinks with all these facts he is going to be proven right by judges, however I am a realist and know how justice ticks, and that is why I am afraid it will turn out differently. People keep going on about sweeping honour killings under the carpet and portraying opponents as liars, unfortunately I know from my own experience that it's fighting a losing battle and you can only win if you are a real go-getter. Well I think I know that Ralph Geissen is that just like me, so it's going to work out in the end. Read more
Ralph Geissen, Narges Achikzei's ex-employer, sent a number of emails to the National Expert Center for Honor Related Violence (LEC EGG). In response to his questions, he was informed that the Landelijk Expertise Centrum Eer Related Violence provided support to the investigation team in 2009 at the request of the then Utrecht Region Police. All information about this case is available with the local police. I understand that Geissen has already been answered by them. Therefore, I have no other information for Geissen. As far as details of the investigation at the time are concerned, no information may be given to third parties under the Police Data Act. However, I did want to inform Geissen that several scenarios, including honor-related violence, were taken into account in this investigation. The cultural interpretation of a motive is complex and varies from case to case. Sometimes cases may appear to a person who does not have all the information to be a clear case of Honor Violence, but that is not always confirmed in an investigation involving all the information. Read more
Civil servant
The timeline "Fire murder Zeist: a cover-up?" was created by someone who was in love with the victim? All I see is suspicion (towards the victim) and no trace of a "crush" anywhere. Now I may not be too smart but I didn't understand any of it in the end. I am glad the perpetrator is locked up though because what a horrible way to do this to another person. Read more
Haroen Mehraban is a Muslim who terrorizes his children and the tower block, he enjoys freedom; his fellow residents who call him on anything are accused of discrimination. Read more
Local resident
I know Narges Achikzei only from passing by and the murder case. I also stood there watching, by blue sails. Screams were mostly from her mother. The perpetrator is not crazy. Watched the video footage again, but it is so rehearsed and 'cold'. Burning someone alive or throwing fat (to maim for life) is very 'normal' in an honor killing. I have been in contact with her former employer. I trust him very much and think it is very strong of him that, despite all the threats, he has told his story. Why don't others believe him? Don't they understand his story? This is also very painful for my trust in the police. Slack-jawed. Anyway, it is a hotbed there. Read more
Local resident
According to the Achikzei family's lawyer, Mr. Peter Ruijzendaal, Mayor Koos Janssen (CDA) visited her family shortly after the fire-murder. He pledged to Sahar Achikzei to do what is necessary to (have) Ralph Geissen's unlawful actions via the Internet terminated. Read more
Civil servant
The facts and context of this case are related to the so-called 'Zeister fire murder'. That case played out in late 2009. At that time a woman (Narges Achikzei) was set on fire in an elevator of a flat. The defendant in the present case knew the victim of the Zeister fire murder. She had worked for the defendant in 2007 and 2008. The defendant allegedly had a crush on her, but that love was not reciprocated. At some point, after Narges Achikzei's then boyfriend threatened the suspect, Narges Achikzei was summarily fired by the suspect. The defendant then allegedly stalked Narges Achikzei. Narges Achikzei filed a report of that. As a result of that report, the suspect was interviewed by police officer Anita Frielink (ps) in 2009. During that interrogation, Anita Frielink (ps) got the impression that the suspect mixed up fiction and truth and had all kinds of unsubstantiated theories, which she recorded in an official report. In late 2009, Narges Achikzei was set on fire in an elevator and died. A (female) acquaintance of Narges Achikzei is convicted of that fact. After Narges Achikzei's death, the suspect sent numerous emails to a variety of agencies and posted messages on websites writing that the police had targeted the wrong perpetrator. There were alleged honor killings. Later, the accused sent hundreds of e-mails to the police in which he stated, among other things, that the Zeist police were corrupt. Read more
Civil servant
In July 2006 I started working as chief of the district criminal investigation department in the then police district Binnensticht, police district Binnensticht, which included the municipality of Zeist. When the national police force was formed, this district was merged into the East Utrecht district and I obtained the formal position of Operational Expert at the district criminal investigation department of that new district. (...) In these activities, I have in the past indirectly had several dealings with Mr. Ralph Geissen, then living in Zeist. Very indirectly I was also involved in the investigation into the death by burning of a woman in the elevator of a flat on the Laan van Vollenhove in Zeist (Investigation Gero). (...) Read more
Civil servant
Shamelessly corrupt officer Anita Frielink (ps) of Zeist Police, who had handled the false report of Narges Achikzei in February 2009, supposedly feels terribly insulted and demands that Ralph Geissen be convicted of insult, libel and slander: (...) I am working as a chief constable with the Police Midden-Nederland in BES base team in Baarn (...) After I received this information from this colleague, I went on Google to search for my name on January 11, 2017. I then found a video under my name on YouTube via the previously mentioned hyperlink. That video shows the same photo of me, as the one sent by Ralph Geissen to police colleague Hans Hameeteman on January 6, 2017. On February 6, 2009, I had prepared an official report of findings as a result of the suspect interrogation of Ralph Geissen. This record of findings was posted on YouTube by a person unknown to me. The YouTube video first shows a picture of my face wearing a blue police cap. That photo was taken from my Facebook account. The person who took my photo from Facebook without my permission photoshopped the photo and added the police cap. I hereby provide you with an image and text of that photo, as well as the official report posted on YouTube, which is attached to this report. Read more
Civil servant
Fifteen years after fire death Narges Achikzei -New wave of honor killings -police struggle with complex cases. In Zeist, we all remember the horrific murder of Narges Achikzei who became a victim of an honor killing on December 7, 2009, two weeks before her forced marriage. Narges did not want to marry the man her parents had selected for her, she wanted to marry a man of her own choosing. So say local residents, friends and her former employer. Then, shortly before her civil marriage (she had done nikah a year before), Narges was doused with gasoline and set on fire by a sister of a friend of her fiancé Haroen Mehraban. -zeist.nieuws.nl Read more