Testimony 225 out of 225 in the murder case Narges Achikzei
Ex-boss Ralph says,...I received an email from a former suspect in a murder case who is now putting a lot of work into uncovering the bottom stone. See below how the mail starts and the movie he made on YouTube. Ralph Geissen is someone who doesn't really know how to give up. He sees a conspiracy in this matter. MDNDR021 R sentenced to 12 years and the madhouse for the murder of the Afghan girl. But Ralph Geissen still devotes a lot of work to making his point today. Crime journalist Martin Kok "At the moment I am working on a compilation about the Afghan woman burned alive scandal. The first half hour is finished and as a new crime journalist I give you an exclusive preview. The final version is expected to be ready for publication in the next few days. In the end, the Public Prosecution dismissed the dubious criminal case against me when Narges had been under the ground for 1.5 years. This matter is a sensitive one for everyone. I believe that this is a scandal. Zeister police is notorious and I can imagine that Narges was murdered not only because of 'family honour'. Honour killing cover up because of corruption, Islam, legal extortion, etcetera. From a human point of view, I can understand that the police would like to contradict honour killings in the interests of the next of kin. But in this case, everyone knows why Narges was murdered and that it is most likely honour-related violence. Then a foreign man feels offended and allows his dishonour to be 'washed away' by an Afghan girl. When you, like me and many others, see that, as an honest, kind-hearted crime journalist, there is a problem and that you, too, are allowed to solve a notorious murder case 'out of the old box', I would love to see Haroen Mehraban being prosecuted by the Public Prosecution Service. I draw the line at Narges' sister/family. Lawyer Ruijzendaal died a few years ago, which is why he has no bar in front of his eyes. I have the entire file digitally available, all the reports from the parties involved. You can always cite me as a witness, "ex-boss Ralph says...."Well, the video here is very tough for Dutch police, justice and for a certain Afghan family from Zeist. I would like to have Parliamentary questions asked about this matter. I think what Zeister police and justice have done is really bad. Another crime journalist who pointed at me as a murderer (several times) and is now convinced that MDNDR021 is a jealous love rival. I mean you can write a beautifully made-up story like your colleagues, or you write the harsh confrontational truth. It is a scandal."
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Honor Killing of Narges Achikzei. A Cover-Up. A Timeline.
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