Testimony 226 in murder case of Narges Achikzei

Fifteen years after fire death Narges Achikzei -New wave of honor killings -police struggle with complex cases

In Zeist, we all remember the horrific murder of Narges Achikzei who became a victim of an honor killing on December 7, 2009, two weeks before her forced marriage. Narges did not want to marry the man her parents had selected for her, she wanted to marry a man of her own choosing. So say local residents, friends and her former employer. Then, shortly before her civil marriage (she had done nikah a year before), Narges was doused with gasoline and set on fire by a sister of a friend of her fiancé Haroen Mehraban. -zeist.nieuws.nl


Posted in Dutch authorities, Innovation, Investigation, Murder Narges Achikzei, Whistleblower and tagged , , , , , , .