Testimony 194 out of 225 in the murder case Narges Achikzei
To be honest, the death of the Afghan girl burned alive deeply touched me. I am shocked that I had talked to her murderer about evolution and hate about dresses. This gives me chills and gives me the feeling that there are several murderers liars/composers/manipulators walking around.
Honor killing in Mako, Iran: Woman and 11-year-old child murdered by the father of the family
Honor Killing in Piranshahr, Iran: Kani Abdollahi (17) Murdered by Her Father
Honor Killing in Apeldoorn, Netherlands: Prosecution Demands 25 Years in Prison
Honor Killing of Narges Achikzei. A Cover-Up. A Timeline.
Honor killing in Tehran: Murderer sentenced to three years in prison
Honor killing in Zehlendorf, Germany: Man stabs ex-wife to death
Husband Kills Wife and Man in Gilan, Iran
Woman shot dead in front of her 4-year-old son in Rijswijk, Netherlands
Honor Killing in Darrehshahr, Iran: 17-Year-Old Girl Murdered by Her Father
Honour Killings in Swat, Pakistan: Woman and Three Daughters Murdered