Testimony 240 in Narges Achikzei murder case

Civil servant
It is established after police investigation that she was killed by a woman who was jealous of her because Narges was getting married to the man she was also in love with. Among other things, the suspect was seen on camera footage at the time of the murder.

What Geissen says is that Narges Achikzei:
1. was in love with him and he with her
2. had plans with him and he with her
3. (those plans could not go ahead because of her family - in itself logical from the idea of loss of honor)
4. was forced to therefore marry an Afghan man (Haroen) quickly
5. shortly before the wedding date still refused to marry Haroen
6. was forced to file a criminal case against him
7. was murdered by MDNDR021 (but on Haroen's orders and hence, according to him, an honor killing).

I don't see the internet scams and corruption here, unless Geissen means point 6.

I agree with Geissen that you have to be very critical of the National Center of Expertise on Honor Related Violence, especially in terms of their approach and analysis.

And if I see an honor motive or a risk of an honor killing I will not be silent on that. But then that is a matter of fair and objective investigation with clear criteria.

About any corrupt police officers in Zeist, I know nothing. But accusing someone (falsely) of corruption is an action of defamation and can result in loss of honor. Loss of honor is very sensitive, as Geissen knows, and has great social and emotional consequences. Hence, that policewoman did not leave it at that.


Posted in Dutch authorities, Innovation, Investigation, Murder Narges Achikzei, Whistleblower and tagged , , , , , , .