Testimony 137 out of 225 in the murder case Narges Achikzei

She (the young woman who was set on fire) worked for his company, and was a beautiful lady with brains. This boss had fallen in love with her and had made a request for marriage. She was in love with an Afghan boy and she chose him. The boss did not accept this and immediately sacked her. In doing so, this issue has really escalated and led to countless court cases, and the boss has lost all these cases and this lady has been vindicated. She was going to marry the 20th of this month, everything was arranged, her dress, wedding room, music band and guests were also invited. She was mercilessly set on fire; she is no longer here. Who did it? Why did the journalists write that it was an honour killing? A lot of Why's but no answer. I hope that criminal investigations will do their job properly and that they will quickly apprehend the perpetrator(s), because this crime is really very serious. At the moment a beast, crazy and merciless person walks freely around who knows what else he or she is capable of.

Posted in Dutch authorities, Innovation, Investigation, Murder Narges Achikzei, Whistleblower and tagged , , , , , , .