Testimony 138 out of 225 in the murder case Narges Achikzei

No honour killing, no love...This woman was murdered by her ex-boss. That's what everyone says and that's who threatened her... But yes, we live in the netherlands. Everything is blamed for 'honour killing' and that kind of bullshit again, while it was a white person who did it.... This again shows how backward and prejudicial people think. this simply shows how racist the netherlands is. What I write is not nonsense, the perpetrator had his own business. Ask the people for witnesses who worked for the perpetrator's business that it was the case that the perpetrator was in love with her or not. the f*cking police, why do they not do their job properly, the woman has reported four times to the police that they are threatened with death by a white man, the police says that it's an honour killing, I think WILDERS now work at the police believe me that it is so.

Posted in Dutch authorities, Innovation, Investigation, Murder Narges Achikzei, Whistleblower and tagged , , , , , , .