Honour killing in Sana’a: 3 young men force their sister Esbah (16) to drink poison

Honour killing story Esbah born: 2004 murdered: ? Residence: Sana’a Origin: Yemen Children: none Perpetrator: her brothers (25, ?, ?) and father (?) Yemen has not been a nice country for women to live in for many decades because of war, food shortages and old-fashioned guardianship laws. Yemeni women’s organizations now advocate, following Syria’s example, […]

Top 3 Of The Worst Honour Killing Cover Ups In History

Broad criminal prosecution in the case of an honour killing European Union Judicial Directives require police and judicial authorities in member states to prosecute perpetrators of an honour killing on a broad scale All persons who have played a role in the background of a murder, with the aim of restoring a violated sense of […]