Honour killing story: The T.

Honour killing story The T. born: 1976 stabbed to death: 21. April 2017 Place of residence: Dresden Origin: Victim: Vietnam; Perpetrator: Pakistan Children: 1 son (at act 20 y.) Perpetrator: her friend Shahjahan Butt (29 y.) The Pakistani Shahjahan comes to Germany in December 2015. He applies for asylum, the proceedings will be discontinued in […]

Honour killing story: Moon

Honour killing story Moon born: 1981 assault: 18 April 2017 Place of residence: Frankfurt/M. Origin: Bangladesh Children: 2 sons (at act 6 and 14 y.) Perpetrator: her husband (53 y.) This case is not an honor killing. It is the story of a distortion – a crime of honour. The public prosecutor’s office will later […]

Honour killing story: Ira

Honour killing story Ira born: 1974 almost killed: 14 April 2017 Residence: Miltenberg (Lower Franconia) / Sinsheim (near Heidelberg) Origin: unclear, possible Iran Children: at least 1 son (at act 22 y.) Perpetrator: her husband (47 y.) On Good Friday 2017 Ira is on her way to a family celebration with her husband and their […]

Honour killing story: Anna

Honour killing story Anna born: 1991 stabbed to death: 9 April 2017 Place of residence: District Aschaffenburg Origin: Victim: Germany; Perpetrator: unclear Children: probably none Perpetrator: her ex-boyfriend (at act 31 y.) Anna is a nurse and is stalked by her ex-boyfriend. In March 2017 she obtains a ban on contact, but he nevertheless harasses […]

Honour killing story: Farah

Honour killing story Farah born: 1970 Attempted murder: 6 April 2017 Place of residence: Krefeld Origin: Afghanistan Children: Number unclear Perpetrator: Taj S. (at act 61 y.) Farah sits on the floor with a child. Her husband hits her with a hammer from behind. The 15-year-old son keeps the father from further activities. In September […]

Honour killing story: Ara

Honour killing story Ara born: 1989 Attempted murder: April 4-5, 2017 Place of residence: Leipzig Origin: Syria Children: 1 girl, 1 boy (at act 1 and 2 y.) Perpetrator: her husband (at act 34 y.) Ara and her husband do not live in a refugee shelter, but in a flat in Leipzig-Paunsdorf. In the night […]

Honour killing story: Susa

Honour killing story Susa born: 1999 attacked: March 31, 2017 Place of residence: Gütersloh Origin: Syria Children: probably none Perpetrator: her family, especially her father (43 y.) and brother (15 y.) Maybe it hasn’t been a real murder attempt, but an assault with death threats. Susa’s family comes to Germany from Syria and lives in […]