Honour killing story

born: 1979
burned: 24 November 2015
Location: Bergen / Celle
Origin: Turkey / Iraq / Kurds / Yazidi
Children: 5 (7-17 years)
Perpetrator: her husband Sadun B. (35 years old, presumably older)
On 24 November 2015 Sadun will pour petrol on his wife in the living room and set her on fire. She burns alive. The 5 children are in school. Two weeks later she dies of burns. The perpetrator is also briefly treated in the hospital, but then goes into hiding. Gardener is mentioned as his profession.

The police thought of an accident, not murder until later. The perpetrator is arrested at the beginning of December in Bielefeld. The children are taken into the care of the Youth Care Office.

In April 2016, the murder and serious arson trial at the Court of Lüneburg begins. Sadun claims it was an accident. In May he is sentenced to life imprisonment. The particular seriousness of the guilt is determined. Gülsen is not the real name of the woman. Besides an honour motive of Yezidi, the court also testifies to a financial motive: the perpetrator wanted to get a second wife from Iraq and he expected money and gifts for himself for the wedding and funeral.

The perpetrator wanted to get a second wife from Iraq and promised to give him money for his wedding and funeral.