Yes, that also seems to me to be an honor killing.

Testimony 6 out of 225 in the murder case Narges Achikzei Civilian Yes, that also seems to me to be an honor killing. LATEST POSTS Honour killing story: Ayse Banu Ö. (2009) Honour killing story: Mizgin / Müdje B. (2009) Honour killing story: Gülhan and Abdullah (2010) Honour killing story: Laura Valanciute and Andrés Olivera […]

These people are barbaric. I say: fusion bomb on it ….. Problem solved

Testimony 5 out of 225 in the murder case Narges Achikzei Civilian These people are barbaric. I say: fusion bomb on it ….. Problem solved LATEST POSTS Honour killing story: Ayse Banu Ö. (2009) Honour killing story: Mizgin / Müdje B. (2009) Honour killing story: Gülhan and Abdullah (2010) Honour killing story: Laura Valanciute and […]

It is not that imaginative to suggest an honor killing as an option, is it?

Testimony 3 out of 225 in the murder case Narges Achikzei Citizen An Afghan woman of 23 from Zeist who is about to get married. It is not that imaginative to suggest an honor killing as an option, is it? Recognition of the problem, identification of possible new cases and appropriate solutions (taking away Afghans’ […]

For the time being it seems that there was jealousy because Narges would get married shortly afterwards and because Narges led a very happy life and we are looking for the motif in that line.

Testimony 163 out of 225 in the murder case Narges Achikzei Civil servant For the time being it seems that there was jealousy because Narges would get married shortly afterwards and because Narges led a very happy life and we are looking for the motif in that line. On the contrary, it is suggested in […]