Honour killing story: Lisa

Honour killing story Lisa born: 1996 strangled: 14 May 2016 Location: Wuppertal Origin: Nigeria Children: one baby (3 months) Perpetrator: her boyfriend Austin E. (20 years) On May 14, 2016, Austin from Nigeria breaks some ribs of his girlfriend’s and strangles her with bare hands in her apartment. He leaves her 3 month old baby […]

Honour killing story: Sandra P. and her daughter

Honour killing story Sandra P. and her daughter Born: 1984, 2017 stung / beheaded: 12. April 2018 Location: Hamburg Origin: Victim: Germany; Sprawca: Niger Children: 5, of which 1 daughter (at act 1 y.), who is also killed. Perpetrator: her ex-friend Mourtala Madou (33 y.) Sandra comes from Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and has lived in Hamburg for […]