Honour killing story: Mara

Honour killing story Mara Born: 1968 killed: 18 July 2016 Location: St. Georgen (Black Forest) Origin: Serbia Children: 2 common and 1 from a previous relationship Perpetrator: her ex-husband (59 years) Nothing much is known about this case: the perpetrator is a Serb who came to Germany at the age of 13. He does not […]

Honour killing story: Boban K.

Honour killing story Boban K. born: 1973 Shot: 9 June 2016 Residence: Hamburg Origin: Serbia / Roma Children: 4 Perpetrator: Roberto F. (22 years) Boban belongs to a Roma family from Serbia and is said to work as a scrap dealer. His 19-year-old daughter Amanda is in love with Roberto of a friendly clan. When […]

Honour killing story: Mervete G.

Honour killing story Mervete G. born: 1977 Shot: April 1, 2018 Residence: Winterlingen (Baden-Württemberg) Origin: Victim: Kosovo; Perpetrator: Serbia Children: 4 (at act 6, 8, 12, 17 y.) Perpetrator: her ex-husband Dugi G. (48 y.) On Easter Sunday 2018 the 48-year-old Serbian Dugi shoots his wife Mervete in the family apartment in Winterlingen on the […]