Honour killing story: Leyla (2020)

…forbidden to approach the woman. The perpetrator wounds himself, but survives. The real names of those involved are not known. What is an honour killing? An honour killing is a…

Honour killing story: Hassan (2019)

…on his skull. Hassan later undergoes emergency surgery and survives. In March 2020, the trial on attempted murder and infliction of dangerous bodily harm will begin at the Regional Court…

Honour killing story: Büsra (Emine) G. (2009)

…Büsra comes to the university to learn the grade of her final exam. After her studies she wants to return to Ankara to her parents. But her boyfriend is planning…

Honour killing story: Mine O. (2019)

…Violence against girls and women remains a serious problem in Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Iran, Serbia and Turkey. Sources: 06-12-2019 German article www.rp-online.de: Corpse found in Duisburg – everything…

Honour killing story: Katrin Götze (2003)

…European arrest warrant was discovered via a saliva sample. Extradition is requested. So the case comes back to the press in August 2018. What is an honour killing? An honour…