Honour killing story

born: 1995
disfigured: 23 December 2017
Residence: Burscheid (near Cologne)
Origin: Victim: presumed Germany; Perpetrator: Afghanistan
Children: 1 son (at act 4 y.)
Perpetrator: her friend Ebudallah S. (at act 27 y.)
Ebudallah is coming from Afghanistan to Germany at the end of 2012. He makes friends with Marie. She has a child at the age of 18. Ebudallah's residence status is then regularly extended. He has temporary jobs and attends German courses.

Ebudallah is a strictly religious Muslim and begins to tyrannize his girlfriend. There is domestic violence. Marie should not wear T-shirts and not say hello to men. At some point Marie expresses a wish to separate. A friend later reports in court about a threatened honour killing. The victim will testify that Ebudallah wanted to make her an Afghan woman (by this she means: a kind of slave who has to subordinate herself to the man).

On December 23, 2017, the former soldier pulls a knife across his girlfriend's face and stabs her in the neck, chest and vagina. The 4-year-old son is a witness to the act. Ebudallah calls the ambulance, Marie is operated on and barely survives.

In July 2018, Ebudallah will be sentenced to 9 years in prison by the Regional Court of Cologne for conflicting dangerous bodily injury. The sentence exceeds the prosecutor's demand of 7 years and 6 months imprisonment. The judge emphasizes the brutality of the crime. If Ebudallah had not called the ambulance himself, the punishment would have been even higher. While describing the abuse in court, the perpetrator grinned. Marie will always remain disfigured, the son is traumatized. The correct name of the victim and her nationality are not known.
