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…aynanaqef.com: “Where Do You Stand?”, grefels.org: “Research Group on Women and Laws in Senegal”, unitedhopeuae.org: “United Hope UAE” and lasharaffiljareemah.net: “La Sharaf Fil Jareemah / No Honor In Crime”) and…

Honour killing story: Dzemila F.

…ex-boyfriend Hamo I. (33 y.) Dzemila comes from Serbia and has 3 school-age children. The two older ones are from a previous relationship, The youngest son is from her boyfriend…

Honour killing story: Anaan

…bodily injury the Afghan is sentenced in September to 7 years imprisonment. However, juvenile sentences can be suspended after only one third of the sentence. https://investigatehonorkilling.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=11485&action=edit Latest posts Honour killing…

Honour killing story: Marie

…Ebudallah S. (at act 27 y.) Ebudallah is coming from Afghanistan to Germany at the end of 2012. He makes friends with Marie. She has a child at the age…

Honour killing story: Gülhan and Abdullah (2010)

…murders his sister to restore family honour, it is an honour killing. According to activists, the most common reasons for honour killings are as the victim: refuses to cooperate in…