Honour killing story: Marie

…son is traumatized. The correct name of the victim and her nationality are not known. https://investigatehonorkilling.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=11488&action=edit Latest posts Honour killing story: Ira Honour killing story: Sina Honour killing story: Anna…

Honour killing story: Leyla (2020)

…even deliberately covered up by the authorities themselves, for example because the perpetrators are good friends with local policemen, officials or politicians. Violence against girls and women remains a serious…

Honour killing story: Amar and his brother (2019)

…of which are not reported to the authorities and some are even deliberately covered up by the authorities themselves, for example because the perpetrators are good friends with local policemen,…

Honour killing story: Hassan (2019)

…the authorities and some are even deliberately covered up by the authorities themselves, for example because the perpetrators are good friends with local policemen, officials or politicians. Violence against girls…

Honour killing story: Katrin Götze (2003)

…and some are even deliberately covered up by the authorities themselves, for example because the perpetrators are good friends with local policemen, officials or politicians. Violence against girls and women…

Man stabs woman in Wuppertal

…up by the authorities themselves, for example because the perpetrators are good friends with local policemen, officials or politicians. Violence against girls and women remains a serious problem in Pakistan,…