Honour killing story

born: 1992
Attempted murder: 3 December 2017
Place of residence: unclear, possibly Bramsche (near Osnabrück)
Origin: Albania
Children: unclear
Perpetrator: her separated husband (at act 34 y.)
On 3 December 2017 Ariane will be visiting friends in Hermannsburg (near Celle). Her separated husband shows up and wants to get her to return to him. She refuses. He knocks her to the ground and chokes her. Only through the intervention of his friends can he be prevented from killing, according to the prosecutor later. The perpetrator flees and is arrested the next day.

The perpetrator's place of residence is Bramsche (near Osnabrück). It is unclear whether the victim also lives there. In March 2018, charges are brought for attempted murder and dangerous assault. Ariane is not the woman's real name.