Honour killing story
Fidan and her mother
born: 1990 / 1965
shot dead / Attempted murder: 1 July 2017
Place of residence: Marburg
Origin: Kosovo
Children: unclear
Perpetrator: her father / ex-husband (52 y.)
born: 1990 / 1965
shot dead / Attempted murder: 1 July 2017
Place of residence: Marburg
Origin: Kosovo
Children: unclear
Perpetrator: her father / ex-husband (52 y.)
Adnan has lived in Hagen (NRW) since 1993. He studied civil engineering, but receives social welfare. He is known to be a violent man who attacked his wife (or ex-wife) and his two daughters (then 15 and 18). There are 2 more children. Adnan was convicted several times for violent crimes. Among other things he served a nearly 3-year prison sentence in Hagen.
One of the daughters is called Fidan. In the meantime she lives with her mother and 3 siblings in a women's shelter in Lübeck. The father also tracks down the family there and threatens them.
A ban has been in place since 2016: Adnan is not allowed to approach his family. Nevertheless, on July 1, 2017, he drives a rental car from Hagen to Marburg (Hesse) to his ex-wife's apartment. There is a dispute in the apartment.
The 27-year-old daughter Fidan comes home and calls the police in the stairwell. Adnan opens the door and shoots her. Then he shoots down his ex-wife and then kills himself.
The wife survives seriously injured. Police find the murder weapon. Whether the murdered daughter had children is not known, not even the real names of those involved. Since the dead are not investigated, there will probably be no trial.
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