Honour killing story

born: 1980
stabbed: 17. May 2017
Place of residence: Wardenburg (near Oldenburg)
Origin: Iraq / Kurds / Jesiden
Children: 5 (at act 4-15 years)
Perpetrator: her husband Raad H. (37 y.)
Around 4 o'clock in the morning, on the night of 17 May 2017, Raad stabs his wife with a knife 9 times in her sleep. She probably still screams, neighbours call the police. The children are in the house at the time of the crime. They have seen their mother die, a child tells the police that his mother deserved to die.

Hayam dies at the scene. The perpetrator is arrested, the warrant is for treacherous murder. The children come to relatives.

The trial begins in October 2017 at the District Court of Oldenburg. The perpetrator family urges the victim family to break off the trial - which of course they cannot do, even if they wanted to. But it clearly shows how little the family thinks of a German court. The perpetrator's family threatens the victim's family, everything would get much worse. It is unclear if there are threats of further murders. Because a sister of the perpetrator is married to a brother of the victim. Which suggests a not entirely voluntary marriage. In December 2017, the perpetrator is sentenced to 13 years and 6 months imprisonment for manslaughter. The side charge is appealed.