Honour killing story

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born: 1992
Attempted murder: 9 November 2017
Place of residence: Hildesheim (Lower Saxony)
Origin: Senegal
Children: 2
Perpetrator: her separated husband Cheikh Ibra D. (at act 34 y.)
Kira comes from Senegal. Her real name is not known. She separates from her 10 years older husband Cheikh, with whom she has 2 children. There is probably violence in the game, so she moves to the women's shelter.

On November 9, 2017 Cheikh beat up his separated wife on the street. When she was lying on the street, he stabbed her with a knife.

A passer-by from Syria (Hadi, 34 y.) goes after the perpetrator. He doesn't let himself be driven away at first, but flees after all. Later he faces the police.

The Syrian gets a prize for civil courage.

In March 2018 the trial for attempted murder begins at the Hildesheim Regional Court. Then the following can be found on the Internet (source not quite clear): In 2009 Cheikh fled Dakar and began a relationship with a German in Italy. The woman gets pregnant, he travels to her in Berlin. His residence status is uncertain. But that doesn't stop him from marrying a 10 year younger cousin on holiday in Senegal and also bringing her to Germany. The two have 2 children.