Honour killing story

born: unclear
attempted murder: 30 June 2015
Residence: Cologne-Buchheim
Origin: unclear, possible offender: Pakistan with British passport
Children: unclear
Perpetrator: her ex-boyfriend Mustafa (47 years)
It is a difficult question whether this case should be included in this archive. Mustafa probably suffers from a bipolar disorder, so the court classifies him as completely insanitary.

On 30 June 2015 he rapes his ex-girlfriend in a detached house in Cologne-Buchheim. He rams with several knives in her head, but also in her neck, head and back. 27 knife stitches will be counted later. An emergency operation saves her life. On the same day Mustafa is arrested.

In April 2016, the trial before the Cologne District Court for attempted manslaughter begins. Mustafa has already been convicted of another violent crime. He will probably be sent to a psychiatric ward. There is nothing more to find, not even the correct names of those involved. We'd be happy to have clues!

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