Honour killing story

born: 2000
Attempted murder: 19 December 2017
Place of residence: Berlin
Origin: victim: Balkan / Germany; perpetrator: Afghanistan
Children: probably none
Perpetrator: her ex-boyfriend (at act 19 y.)
If it weren't so sad, you'd have to laugh: On 19 December 2017, a 19-year-old Afghan tries to drown his ex-girlfriend in the Havel river. He pushes her into the ice-cold water, jumps after her and presses her head under the water.

The Afghan can't swim, so the girl can save herself to the shore. The first responders rescue the perpetrator unconscious from the Havel. Police are investigating for attempted murder.

The perpetrator has been in Germany since 2015. The victim comes from the Balkans and has a German passport. The real name is not known.

After 2 months in coma the Afghan dies in the hospital.