Honour killing story

Mohammed N.
born: 1996
stabbed to death: 10-11 September 2017
Place of residence: Chemnitz
Origin: Syria
Children: probably none
Perpetrators: Obaida A. and Abedalmola T. (at act 21 and 25 y.)
Mohammed is coming to Saxony as a refugee from Syria in 2016. In some way he fights with his buddy Obaida about the Syrian Ayat.

One meets in the night on 11 September 2017 in the city park Chemnitz. Obaida brings Abedalmola. Abedalmola stabbed Mohammed with a kitchen knife he had brought with him. The victim tries to escape, Obaida chases him, but then runs away. Mohammed bleeds to death. The next morning the body is discovered.

In April 2018, the trial for communal manslaughter begins at the Chemnitz Regional Court. Abedalmola cites insulted honour as the motive. He disposed the murder weapon in a pond, but it is not found.