Honour killing story

Pregnant woman
born: 1977
strangled / burned: 11 September 2019
Residence: Haarlem (North Holland)
Origin: Afghanistan
Children: 3 (2, 5 and 7 years)
Perpetrator: her husband Bashir K. (44 years)
Bashir K. lives more than 15 years in the Netherlands and works as a taxi driver.

On Wednesday evening September 11th 2019 explosions will be heard in a flat on the Rudolf Steinerstraat in Haarlem and the flat is on fire, causing 48 houses to be evacuated.

Bashir K. was standing further down the street watching while the emergency workers were busy. After identifying himself as the occupant of the burnt-out house, police officers arrested him as a suspect in arson. This charge was later extended to murder after his wife's remains were found and identified in the burnt-out house.

According to local residents, the man set fire to his 7 month pregnant wife in the bedroom because he was supposed to have another girlfriend or because he didn't think he was the man responsible for the pregnancy because they hadn't had sex for a long time. He would have placed their 3 joint children with his brother prior to the attack.

Bashir K. doesn't seem to explain much. The prosecution argues states that they assume a scenario in which the pregnant woman was strangled by Bashir K. and that he then set the apartment on fire.

We would be happy with clues! For an email directly to us you can simply click here

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