Honour killing story

Shivin M.
born: 1993
Attempted murder: May 4, 2017
Place of residence: Freiberg
Origin: Syria
Children: 3 (at act 10 Mo. and 3 and 6 y.)
Perpetrator: her husband Mohammad B. (33 y.)
Shivin is married with 18 and pregnant. She will come to Germany from Syria with her husband and 2 small children in the summer of 2015. The family applies for asylum. One child is born here and is about 10 months old. The family lives in an apartment in Freiberg, Saxony.

Shivin probably notices that she has rights in Germany. Her husband begins to tyrannize her. The authorities are dealing with the case.

Early May 2017 Shivin flees to the women's shelter. Together with a social worker and an employee of the youth welfare office she wants to get some things out of her flat on May 4th. Her husband stabbed her. The 3 women can save themselves with the baby on the street.

Passers-by call the police who arrest the Syrian in front of the house. His other two children were with him. Probably all the children witnessed the crime. They are taken into the custody of the Youth Welfare Office. Shivin is seriously injured and goes to the hospital. The arrest warrant is for attempted manslaughter.

One detail: Shivin is said to be a Kurdish Christian. In November 2017 the trial begins at the Chemnitz Regional Court. In the same month Mohammad is sentenced to 3 years and 6 months imprisonment for dangerous bodily injury.