Honour killing story

Shukriyeh A.
born: 1965
stabbed: 6. December 2017
Place of residence: Hanau
Origin: Afghanistan
Children: 2 (at act 12 and 20 y.)
Perpetrator: her ex-husband Najibollah A. (57 y.)
Shukriyeh and Najibollah are coming to Germany from Afghanistan in 2010 with 2 children. In autumn 2017 the mother moves with both children to the women's shelter Hanau. The couple probably has even more children, it is unclear where they are.

On Nicholas Eve 2017, the abandoned man pushes a dagger into his wife's throat and chest on the open road. Over 40 injuries are counted later. Shukriyeh goes to the hospital, undergoes emergency surgery and dies.

The offender is arrested at the scene of the crime. In February 2018, the public prosecutor's office files a murder suit against the perpetrator. It is said that the children are in custody. In June, the perpetrator is sentenced to life imprisonment by the Hanau Regional Court.