Honour killing story

Violeta / Vio
born: 1986
stabbed to death: 30 October 2017
Place of residence: Oberursel (Hessen)
Origin: Serbia
Children: 3 daughters (7, 8, 12 y.)
Perpetrator: her husband Milenko P. (at act 40 y.)
Vio is 31 years old and has 3 daughters who are 7, 8, and 12 years old at the time of the crime. As origin Serbia is indicated. They could be Roma.

Vio's husband is 9 years older and will leave the common apartment in Oberursel in October 2017. He is on record for domestic violence. His profession is listed as a "caretaker in an old people's home". He is staying with a cousin.

On 30 October 2017 he returns and stabs his wife with 25 stitches in the kitchen. The children are in the apartment during the deed. They are later accommodated with relatives. The perpetrator turns himself in to the police.

In August 2018 the trial will begin at the Frankfurt Regional Court. The daughters report domestic violence. They live with their mother's brother. After the crime, the father had forbidden the children to call for help, otherwise he would also murder them. After that he disappeared. A 14-year-old cousin who was also present called the police anyway.