Report of Mr. P.H. Ruijzendaal for insult against R. Geissen at police station Zeist

Utrecht Police District Binnensticht Support PL0920/09-342608 O F F I C I A L – R E P O R T Declaration The undersigned official(s) successively recorded the personal details of the persons listed below and any statement. Location/address ZEIST, BERGWEG 25 A Further description company/area Incident insult Date of act/time Tuesday 17 November 2009 […]

Anita Frielink (ps) of police Zeist is investigating the report of N. Achikzei

Utrecht Police Department District Binnensticht Zeist File no: PL0920/09-001375 P R O C E S – V E R B A A L By me Anita Frielink (ps) Asp.police officer of police, Utrecht, district Binnensticht the following is stated: ADDRESS ========= Indicator N. ACHIKZEI had filed a report of defamation, libel and insult. The declarant […]