We can inform you that the case you speak of, the “fire murder in Zeist,” is not part of the episodes we will broadcast.
Shamelessly corrupt Zeist police chief MDNDR011: “Very indirectly, I have also been involved in the investigation into the death by burning of a woman in the elevator of a flat on the Laan van Vollenhove in Zeist (Investigation Gero).”
As a result of the investigation into the death of a woman on the Laan van Vollenhove in Zeist (TGO Gero 2009), various police employees have regularly received (hundreds of) emails from email account GEISSEN@gmail.com.
H.J. Korterink, in publishing the article “Zeist fire murder: a cover-up? A timeline” on his website www.misdaadjournalist.nl did not act in a journalistically negligent manner.
Unbelievable that Ralph Geissen still gets a podium on websites like this. Geissen is frustrated and constantly harassing people and living in a delusional world. He should stop with these kinds of conspiracy theories.
It is all covered up by the leftist rulers in this little country who think they can get away with anything since the 2002 coup (murder of Pim Fortuyn)!