Honour killing story

born: 1960
Attempted murder: 15 October 2017
Place of residence: Hannover
Origin: Victim: presumed Germany; Perpetrator: Turkey
Children: 2
Perpetrator: her ex-husband Mustafa A. (at act 62 y.)
Barbara is a nurse and has been with Mustafa for 40 years, i.e. since she was 17 years old. The two have 2 children. At least from 2010 there will be problems. Barbara lives in fear. In 2015 there is an incident where he stands next to her bed and threatens her with a knife. Further attacks follow. She moves out and files for divorce.

Mustafa begins to stalk her. Barbara obtains 2 times a contact ban.

In October Mustafa enters her door. With a big knife he stabs her 5 times. Barbara goes down. With heavy shoes he kicks her in the face several times. She barely survives.

The joint 24-year-old daughter intervenes and is also injured. Shortly afterwards, the perpetrator is arrested on the street, the blood-stained knife is still in his hand.

In April 2018 the trial for attempted murder of the ex-wife and dangerous assault of the daughter begins before the Hanover Regional Court. Barbara is not the real name of the woman.