Honour killing story

born: 1981
Attempted murder: 20 September 2017
Place of residence: Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler
Origin: Syria
Children: min. 1 daughter
Perpetrator: her separated husband (at act 51 y.)
Mayla is coming to Germany with her husband from Syria in 2014. She is his second wife. In summer 2016 they split up.

On September 20, 2017 Mayla picks up her daughter from school. She rides with her bike through a park in Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler. Her husband, who lives separated, gets in her way and stabs her. After 15 stabs, an acquaintance of the perpetrator intervenes.

Mayla comes seriously injured to the hospital and is operated on for several hours. She lost 3 liters of blood and survived barely.

In front of the Koblenz District Court, Mayla later says that her husband has threatened her since the separation. Her real name is unknown. In April 2018, the perpetrator is sentenced to 9 years imprisonment for attempted manslaughter.