Honour killing story

born: 1991
Attempted murder: 12 January 2018
Place of residence: Kefenrod (Hesse)
Origin: Iran
Children: 1 daughter (at act 6 y.) and 1 son (4 y.)
Perpetrator: her husband Mahan K. (35 yrs.)
Nia and Mahan come to Germany in January 2017 with 2 children from Iran. The family lives in a refugee shelter in Wetteraukreis, Hessen. In August 2017 Nia separates.

On January 12, 2018, the father goes with a knife at his wife and two children. He hurts his daughter and son at the neck and chokes his wife. Later he entrenches himself with the children in an apartment. A social worker calls the police who overwhelms the perpetrator.

Wife and children go to the hospital, the perpetrator is in custody for attempted murder. The trial begins in July 2018 at the Giessen Regional Court. The real name of the victim is not known.

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