Honour killing story

Om Marwan
born: 1981
stabbed: 2. March 2018
Place of residence: Mühlacker (near Karlsruhe)
Origin: Syria
Children: 4
Perpetrator: her ex-husband Abu Marwan (at act 41 y.)
Om lives with 3 of her children in Mühlacker near Karlsruhe. Their father, her ex-husband Abu Marwan lives separated, possibly with a fourth son (at act 12 y.).

On March 2, 2018, the ex-husband stabbed his wife with in the neck in her apartment.

The perpetrator flees the scene with one of the sons. The underage daughter who lives in the apartment calls the police.

Openly the perpetrator still has time to post a video on Facebook in which he blames his wife and warns all women who disobey their husbands. You can see his bloodstained hands and a son in the background. You can't help feeling that the son is already learning to justify the act.

The father is arrested at the station. He still has the knife with him. All 4 children are taken into the care of the German Red Cross.

In the English-language press there is the reference that Om married a Lebanese man 3 years after the divorce from Marwan. It is said that Marwan often asked her for money.

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