Honour killing story

Samiha Al-Asadi
Age: unclear
Marital status: divorced with children
Stabbed: 9 April 2018
Perpetrator: her brother Younis al - Asadi
Samiha Al-Asadi was married to a handicapped man, but later became the mother of three children.

Samiha wanted to divorce her husband and she returned to her family to live there with her children, where she was harassed by her parents because her parents had rejected any potential marriage candidate who had asked for her hand. Samiha was physically and verbally abused and locked up in the house. The judge refused to dissolve her marriage and demanded the presence of her guardian in the proceedings. Her guardian had been invited to the first and second court hearings, but he was never present.

On the third attempt to dissolve the marriage through the court, Samiha's father and brother came to the court almost cheerfully. After the hearing was opened by the judge, the brother approached Samiha and slit her throat in front of the judge as he pronounced that he was presenting her blood to the judge as a disposition. Samiha died immediately. A long silence followed in which, according to witnesses, horror was visible on the faces of all those present.

After that, the judge imposed a death sentence and a punishment as justice for the victim. However, the verdict is not yet final because the case is still pending on appeal. The father demands that the punishment for the murderer is cancelled because it concerns a crime of honour. The substance of the appeal is scheduled to be heard on 11 November 2019.

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