Narges Achikzei, who was set on fire, and her boyfriend had a heated conflict with the woman's 32-year-old former employer in Utrecht. The family is associated with fraudulent practices. In any case, they were accused by an aggrieved man. He himself was summoned to a court one week after the fire murder in connection with the slander. For a long time he is said to have sent e-mails to the woman - an ex-worker - and damaged her honour and good name.
It is very likely that this conflict played a role in the cruel death. The public prosecutor's office never wants to answer questions about the content of the legal conflict. It is clear that the conflict exerted great pressure on Achikzei and other participants.
PO Box 505 postal code 3500 AM Utrecht
Sector : S4
Case : 16/659070-18
Number : 0007
name : Geissen
first names : Ralph
born on : 13 April 1977 in Utrecht
living at : Utrecht
I hereby summon you to appear as a suspect on Thursday 08 November
2018, at 11.50 am, at the hearing of the police judge in the
District Public Prosecutor’s Office Central Netherlands sitting in Utrecht,
Vrouwe Justitiaplein 1 in Utrecht,
in order to be tried for what is described below.
I refer to the notices under 1 to 10 on the back of this sheet.
Utrecht, 04 October 2018
The district attorney,
The person summoned to appear before the court referred to above shall be charged with the following
he on or about 11 January 2017 in Utrecht, at least in the district of Central Netherlands, at least in the Netherlands,
has attacked the honour and/or good name of a civil servant named Anita Frielink (ps), chief agent with the BES basic team in Baart during and/or in connection with the lawful performance of its ministry, by defamation of a certain fact, with the apparent aim of publicising it, distributed by means of writings or pictures, openly exhibited or appalled, after all, he, the accused, placed a video on Youtube containing a photo of that Anita Frielink (ps) and/or that Anita Frielink (ps) (in that photo) depicted with a police hat and/or placed (underneath that photo) the text, including (among other things) “Police officer Anita Frielink (ps) of Police Zeist is corrupt. She lied so that the former employer of scammer Narges Achikzei would be prosecuted by the public prosecutor for defamation, slander and stalking by email. When Narges was showered with gasoline and set on fire by a sister of a friend of her ex-husband. Because she wanted to marry a man of her own choice and was in love with a Dutch man, the police fancied jealousy as a motive to stifle corruption, scams and honour killing.”, at least words of equal value
See page 2
District Public Prosecutor’s Office
PO Box 505 postal code 3500 AM Utrecht
Page 2
Sector : S4
Case : 16/659070-18
Order No : 0007
insulting nature and/or purport and/or (subsequently) an official report drawn up by that Anita Frielink (ps) shown;
Article 262(1) of the Penal Code
Article 261(2) of the Penal Code
in or around the period between 6 January 2017 and 17 February 2017 in Utrecht, or at least in the district of Central Netherlands, in any case in the Netherlands, (always) intentionally a civil servant, Johan de Boer (ps), Operational Expert district East Utrecht during and/or in connection with the lawful exercise of his ministry, has been offended by a written or pictorial document sent or offered,
after all, he, the suspect,
– sent an e-mail on 6 January 2017 with the text: “I’m still looking for pictures of corrupt police chief Johan de Boer (ps) and corrupt agent Jelis van de Kraats.”
– On 17 February 207 he sent an e-mail with the text: “Anita Frielink (ps) should be fired as far as I’m concerned and chef Johan de Boer (ps) also has anything but clean hands in this case”, at least words of a similar insulting nature and/or purport;
Article 266(1) of the Penal Code
Article 267(1) of the Penal Code
he on or about the period between 6 January 2017 and 9 May 2017 in Utrecht, or at least in the district of Central Netherlands, in any case in The Netherlands,
(each time) intentionally
the public authority, a public entity and/or a public institution, in knowingly the base team Zeis/Bunnik/Leusden, of the police unit of the Central Netherlands, has been insulted by a written or pictorial document that has been sent or offered,
After all, on 6 January 2017 he, the defendant, – sent an e-mail with the text: “Police Zeist is collectively corrupt in this case.” – On May 9, 2017, an e-mail was sent with the text: People should be fired from the corrupt police saying “this is a collective corruption in this case”,
or at least words of equal insulting nature and/or intent;
Article 266(1) of the Penal Code
Article 267(1) of the Penal Code
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