De in brand gestoken Narges Achikzei en haar vriend hadden een heftig conflict met de 32-jarige Utrechtse ex-werkgever van de vrouw. De familie wordt in verband gebracht met oplichtingspraktijken. Tegen hen is in ieder geval aangifte gedaan door een benadeelde. Deze is zelf weer gedagvaard om een week na de brandmoord voor de rechter te verschijnen in verband met smaad. Hij zou gedurende lange periode de vrouw - een ex-werkneemster - hebben belaagd met e-mails en haar eer en goede naam hebben aangetast.
Zeer waarschijnlijk heeft dit conflict een rol gespeeld bij haar gruwelijke dood. Het Openbaar Ministerie wil nooit inhoudelijk reageren op vragen over het juridisch conflict. Duidelijk is dat het conflict Achikzei en andere betrokkenen sterk onder druk zette.
PO Box 505 postal code 3500 AM Utrecht
Sector : KI
Case : 16/440678-09
Number : 0005
name : Geissen
first names : Ralph
born on : 13 April 1977 in Utrecht
living at : Utrecht
I hereby summon you to appear as a suspect on Tuesday 15 December 2009, at 14.40 hrs, at the hearing of the police judge in the district of Central Netherlands sitting in Utrecht,
Vrouwe Justitiaplein 1 in Utrecht, Utrecht,
in order to be tried for what is described below.
I refer to the notices under 1 to 10 on the back of this document. this leaf.
Utrecht, 01 October 2009
The Public Prosecutor,
The person summoned to appear before the court referred to above shall be charged with the following
he has, at one or more times in or around the period from 1 May 2008 to and by 31 December 2008 at Zeist and/or Utrecht, in any case in the Netherlands, unlawfully and systematically and intentionally infringed the personal life atmosphere of N. Achikzei, at least of another, with the the aim of forcing Achikzei, or at least the other person, to do something, not to or to tolerate and/or to frighten, after all, the accused has then been there intentionally and with great regularity
– who approaches Achikzei by email;
Art. 285b paragraph 1 Penal Code
in or about the period from 1 November 2008 up to and including 31 December 2008 in Utrecht, and/or elsewhere in the Netherlands, he has intentionally violated the honour and/or the good name of N. Achikzei by means of publicly displaying written documents, by imposing one or more specific fact(s), with the apparent aim of giving publicity to this.
See sheet 2
District Public Prosecutor’s Office
PO Box 505 postal code 3500 AM Utrecht
Sheet 2
Sector : KI
Case : 16/440678-09
Number : 0005
After all, for the aforementioned purpose, the accused attached (a) document(s) such as this charge and forming part of it, exhibited or apprehended, while the accused knew that this/this charged fact(s) was/are in conflict with the truth.
Article 261(1) of the Penal Code
Article 261(2) of the Penal Code
internet scams nl: Title: Re: Scammed by N. Mehraban
Account number
” Answer #60 Posted on: December 12 2008,
15:24:23 »
I received as residence of the account holder Dordrecht on. Is this of any use to you?
Re: Lifted by N. Mehraban
Account number
« Answer #61 Posted on: December 13 2008,
09:57:51 »
Hello, Homey,
Even if it’s only € 1.50. The police advised …to report it to me anyway. Certainly because this person is very easy this way. made money and all those small amounts of money together… …it’s a lot of money, anyway. I understand that you are now very angry and disappointed, that’s what I am. …all the time. And indeed, the more people declare do the stronger we are, because this is no longer allowed. …happen. Unfortunately, it is still happening.
Greetings Tweety29
Re: Lifted by N. Mehraban
Account number
« Answer #62 Posted on: December 13 2008,
11:45:02 “
Our company has Narges Mehraban from Zeist approx. 8 months ago also in connection with the attempt at scam. This has already been reported to the police and the case will soon be presented to the judge.
buyer’s interests nl: View topic: Scammed by N. Mehraban at Dord… page 4 of 5
Please send us some more information!
Kind regards
#9: Author: Geissen, posted Wo 17-12-2008 15:56:20
Pink Rosie wrote:
Hello Geissen,
Thanks for the info, do you have her address as a former employer?
On scammedontheinternet you are talking about Narges Achikzei, her boyfriend’s name is Haroen Mehraban.
The victims have transferred the money to the account of N. Mehraban in Dordrecht.
Could it be that this is her boyfriend’s account number?
I suppose she doesn’t have the same surname as her boyfriend if she isn’t married to him.
As a former employer, you transferred her salary to her account number, which account number was that?
I have the address of her parental home in Zeist. Narges Achikzei married Haroen Mehraban from Leeuwarden via an (illegal) Muslim marriage. The imam (in this case a well-known Dutch Salafist hate sowing imam) then tells the parents that it’s okay if they start living together. It is therefore not an official marriage at the registrar’s office, but it offers Muslim women the opportunity to live with their boyfriend without the Muslim community being ashamed of it.
Another victim of spoke about Mrs. N. Mehraban. Considering our very bad experiences with the conversion of Narges Achikzei to Salafism I linked her attempt at scamming our company directly to the name Mrs. N. Mehraban. Another victim who had filed a complaint was already talking about Nagres Mehraban after he had spoken to the police.
I’ve also read part of the e-mails she’s supposed to have written and I recognize certain things in them about our former employee and her criminal boyfriend.
#10: Author: Pink Rosie Posted: Wo 17-12-2008 16:03:04
But with a (Muslim) marriage not recognised in the Netherlands she can’t get the name N. Mehraban. The account number is o that name and to open an account number is an identification requirement.
#11: Author: Geissen Posted: Wo 17-12-2008 16:13:28
Leader wrote:
I’m about to get lost….For the record, a link to the topic in question among our neighbours of Internet Fraud: Geissen : please explain everything calmly, preferably via a PB to one of the moderators (this will be done at the designated place).
On Scammedontheinternet I read that it is a case of a judgment in absentia. As long as you don’t show that you are familiar with its contents, you can oppose it… However, your statements on the internet, which is accessible to everyone, lead me to believe that this fatal deadline has now expired. I understand from your words/texts that you have engaged a lawyer; I assume that the lawyer is aware of your statements?
I would like some more information!
Kind regards,
Sometimes there is good new to report – . god for dumb people page 3 of 10
9. on 16 Dec 2008 at 21:14 Atheistic:
Republishing the column will give those who have been swindled by it a better picture of the perpetrator(s). Six people, including myself, have already taken the trouble to report it, probably dozens of people have been swindled by her and her Salafist friend. The column is intended as a warning to other employers who notice that their employees are showing a change in behaviour as a result of a conversion to Salafism. I also need the column in view of the lawsuit that we (unfortunately) have to bring against her in order to reach a final solution. I promise that I won’t spam any more under news items, I posted these two messages because I didn’t receive a response from Erik on my e-mail and it’s important for me that the column is reactivated. And oh well, first linking and then getting married is possible… 🙂
10. on 16 Dec 2008 at 21:29 metalgrandpa
I don’t think the forum is meant to highlight your personal problems with scammers. Try “Checkout” or “Radar” or any other consumer section.
11. on 16 Dec 2008 at 23:26 11Atheistic
That’s not right. On this forum I have (in my opinion) unmasked the Salafist Dutch hate sowing imam who accompanied the conversion of my Afghan employee and ‘blessed’ her Muslim marriage. I freaked out when I recognised him and digitally filled his skin.
I suspect that the islamic religion teacher gave her a poisoned wedding gift in the form of a death threat+hate campaign against me as ‘Angel’ with the aim of profiting financially from the disorder that arises and that he misbehaved as a Devil towards my Afghan employees in order to ruin her positive image of NL men and to let herself be pampered according to the al Walaa wal Baraa (‘love and aversion in the name of Allah’).
In any case the detective takes the case very seriously, there have already been several charges against her because of fraudulent practices. In our case it is an ‘attempt to defraud’ because I am by nature fanatical and simply do not accept certain things. Activation of the column may contribute to a short-term solution, otherwise it will be used as evidence in a court case.
12. on 16 Dec 2008 at 23:4012Ralph:
Everybody Because the names of those involved are known inmidels via Internet scams .nl/ /god for dumb peope .nl I will from now on also post here under my own name. After all the nagging, my aim is still to solve the conflict in a good way.
13. on 17 Dec 2008 at 11:0413metalgrandpa
http://www. god for dumb people .nl/2008/12/15/ sometimes there is also good news to report / 19-1-2009
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