@Ralph will pay 9.09 I can’t help feeling that you are in the bad on responding to Ralph publicly. Do the ‘De Hond’ approach, which continued to falsely accuse the handyman.

Testimony 56 out of 225 in the murder case Narges Achikzei caret-down caret-up caret-left caret-right Citizen @Ralph will pay 9.09 I can’t help feeling that you are in the bad on responding to Ralph publicly. Do the ‘De Hond’ approach, which continued to falsely accuse the handyman. By this I mean that the next of […]

Typical Dutch media. using anything that does not appear in other newspapers to attract the most attention’ without anything sensible in it and without anything true.

Testimony 54 out of 225 in the murder case Narges Achikzei Citizen Typical Dutch media. using anything that does not appear in other newspapers to attract the most attention’ without anything sensible in it and without anything true. moreover, there is no thought of how the next of kin might read such messages. LATEST POSTS […]

According to today’s newspaper AD/UN, the victim was sacked last year. Since then, a lawyer has also been working on the case. Okay, then it has not been an honor killing, but then it has been jealousy..

Testimony 50 out of 225 in the murder case Narges Achikzei Citizen According to today’s newspaper AD/UN, the victim was sacked last year. Since then, a lawyer has also been working on the case. Okay, then it has not been an honor killing, but then it has been jealousy… in any case, a girl/woman of […]