Testimony 56 out of 225 in the murder case Narges Achikzei

@Ralph will pay 9.09 I can't help feeling that you are in the bad on responding to Ralph publicly. Do the 'De Hond' approach, which continued to falsely accuse the handyman. By this I mean that the next of kin can claim in preliminary relief proceedings that Ralph G. must stop his allegations against Narges and her family under penalty of a fine per violation. You can also demand that all his Internet eruptions have to be removed, which he has to take care of himself. A lot of strength with the horrible loss of Narges. @Ralph 6.49 Calling your link 'Loedertje' does not really testify to love or compassion for Narges.- My opinion: get a life, racist. This would almost make me think that you yourself have been the driving force behind the horrific murder. -Siem

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