Honour killing story: Liridon B.

Honour killing story Liridon B. born: 1990 attempted murder: 28 March 2016 Residence: Berlin-Neukölln Origin: Albania Children: probably not Perpetrators: Besfort, Besnik, Ilir (22, 23, 23 years) Shkurte is a 20-year-old Albanian girl who was promised by her parents to a friend of the family, Ilir. But she is in love with her cousin Liridon. […]

Honour killing story: Zora

Honour killing story Zora born: 1992 Attempted murder: 5-6 February 2016 Location: Dortmund Origin: Afghanistan Children: 2 Perpetrator: her husband (31 years) Zora and her husband are expected to come from Afghanistan to Dortmund at the end of 2015 and live in a hotel where asylum seekers are being accommodated. About 1 o’clock in the […]

Honour killing story: Maya, Mohammad, Bahar

Honour killing story Maya, Mohammad, Bahar born: 2009, 2011, 2015 thrown out of the window: 1 February 2016 Residence: Lohmar near Bonn Origin: Syria Perpetrator: her father Zanaar H. (36 years) At the end of 2015, Zanaar will arrive in Germany as a refugee from Syria via Turkey, Bulgaria and France. He takes his family […]

Honour killing story: Hülya

Honour killing story Hülya born: 1977 Attempted murder: March 27, 2018 Place of residence: Duisburg-Marxloh Origin: presumed Turkey Children: at least 1 girl (in act 18 y.) Author: her husband (56 y.) On March 27, 2018, a Turk in the family residence attacks his 15 year younger wife with a knife. The 18-year-old daughter intervenes, […]

Honour killing story: Marcella S. and her unborn child

Honour killing story Marcella S. and her unborn child born: 2001 Attempted murder: 6 September 2018 Place of residence: Duisburg Origin: Perpetrator: Turkey Children: she was pregnant Perpetrator: her “ex-boyfriend” Rifai B. (at act 16 y.) Marcella is 17, has an affair with the 1 year younger Rifai and becomes pregnant. She informs him in […]

Honour killing story: Ayse

Honour killing story Ayse born: 2000 Attempted murder: 11 January 2018 Place of residence: Pleidelsheim (near Stuttgart) Origin: Turkey Children: probably none Perpetrator: her mother (at act 41 y.) Women can also be perpetrators of honour crimes. In many cases they are even seen as the driving force. In this case from Pleidelsheim in Baden-Württemberg […]

Honour killing story: Daniela

Honour killing story Daniela born: 1973 Attempted murder: 18 May 2018 Place of residence: Neubrandenburg (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) Origin: Victims: Germany; Perpetrators: Turkey Children: probably none Perpetrator: her ex-boyfriend (at act 29 y.) Ali comes from Turkey and applies for asylum in Germany. He meets a German woman 9 years older. Probably this will increase his chances […]