Honour killing story: Dilara

Honour killing story Dilara born: 1971 Attempted murder: 17 April 2018 Place of residence: Berlin Origin: Turkey Children: several Perpetrator: her father (at act 75 y.) Dilara is 47 years old, has several children and works as a saleswoman in a shopping mall in Berlin-Gropiusstradt. She wants to leave her husband. Her father sees this […]

Islamic terrorism in Utrecht: Three dead and five wounded

Islamic terrorism Three dead and five injured born: ? Murder: 18 March 2019 Location: Utrecht Origin: Turkey Children: ? Perpetrator: Turkish Gökman Tanis (37 y.) On Monday 18 March, three people were killed, and five were injured, in a shooting in a tram on the 24 Oktoberplein in the Kanaleneiland district in Utrecht. The police […]

Honour killing story: Asila and Sarah Nahami

Honour killing story Asila and Sarah Nahami born: 2011,2009 beaten to death: August 25, 2018 Place of residence: Yemen Origin: Yemen Children: She was a child herself Perpetrator: her father Eight-year-old Asila Nahami was beaten to death on the public street by her father with a thick wooden stick that is normally used on donkeys […]