Honour killing story

born: 1998
attempted murder: 24 April 2016
Residence: refugee shelter Mainz
Origin: Afghanistan
Children: 1 son (2 years)
Perpetrator: her husband (24 years)
Zadaf is 18 years old and will be placed in a refugee reception centre in Mainz in early 2016. She was probably married in Afghanistan by her parents to a 6 year old man.

On the morning of April 24, Zadaf is still in bed as her husband pours her boiling water over her face. Then he hits her on the head with a broomstick. He hits until the broomstick is broken into 14 pieces. The officers later find blood spattering to the ceiling. Zadaf comes to a special clinic. Her husband is arrested in the refugee shelter.

The attempted murder trial starts in November 2016 at the Court of Mainz. The judge acknowledges the intention to kill, but considers the fact that the perpetrator has aborted the crime as mitigating. He is sentenced to 8 years imprisonment for causing serious bodily harm.

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